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"Ugh, stop hitting me- Yeosang!" Jongho yelled as he grabbed the male by his thighs again.

The blonde let out a whine as he was forced to stay still. The autumn air and fog made Yeosang's head spin and send shivers through his body as he was hanging from Jongho's shoulder. Or maybe it was alcohol and the fact that Choi Jongho was holding him over his shoulder. He wasn't sure himself.

"You wanna get down? Here you go then."

Yeosang shook his head a bit as he held onto the male and tried to regain his balance.

"Come on, walk. I won't wait for you anymore." Jongho rolled his eyes before letting him go and walking forward.

"My feet hurt.." Yeosang quietly mumbled and closed his eyes as he continued to walk behind his future husband.

The younger let out a sigh and grabbed his arm. Jongho started dragging him to his car, and Yeosang let out a groan as he hit younger's hand again.

"That hurts, bitch!"

Jongho shot him an annoyed look.

"Who are you calling a bitch, dumbass?"

"Better be a dumbass then a bitch." Yeosang spit back, glaring at the male.

Jongho turned around to see him again. He gripped elder's wrist, making Yeosang let out a wince.

"Listen here. This was my good will to help you out, I could have just left you there and let you get used by some old man there. But no, I decided to help you out because I don't want my ear being ripped off just because you decided to get drunk."

Yeosang just stared at him. Usually he would just say whatever and walk away, but seems like he decided to choose violence today.

He yanked his wrist again, but Jongho didn't budge.

"Did I fucking ask for your help?"

Yeosang swore he saw Jongho's eyes widen a bit at that. His hold on elder's wrist tightened again, and a small whimper left his mouth.

"You really do have an attitude towards someone who is helping you."

Yeosang scoffed. "I never asked for help and never wanted this. Don't act like you care or you want any of this now, we both know you're lying."

They kept staring at each other like they were going to kill each other now. Yeosang scoffed before getting his wrist out of the grip and walking forward.

He crossed his arms in hope he will get warmer, but it didn't really help. Yeosang just let out a sigh as he became a bit sober, but not enough to control himself. Seems like anger is another feeling Yeosang expresses when he is drunk.

"Fuck this.." He mumbled as he continued walking.

But what Yeosang didn't think about is someone gripping his hand to make him stop walking before he was lifted up and carried bride style.


Jongho kept his poker face and continued walking. Thank god there weren't many people around, so he just carried Yeosang like it was nothing.

"Jongho, let me down!"

The older hit his shoulders and tried squirming around in his hands. Jongho jerked his body and made their eyes connect a few moments later.

"Stop moving around and stay still!"

Yeosang stared at him before just sighing and giving up after realizing Jongho won't let him down. They continued walking through the town like that. Yeosang wrapped his arms around younger's shoulder to support himself.

"Why are you even doing this?" Yeosang found himself asking.

Jongho looked over to him for a moment before looking forward again and humming.

"You said your feet hurt, right?"

The older was dumbfounded. Why was Jongho helping him? Yeosang thought he said how they never got along.


"Just be quiet. We're almost home." Jongho shushed him.

Yeosang did as he was told and just let himself get carried like a baby. They didn't speak and just kept the silence until they got in front of the house.

"Okay, you can let me go now." Yeosang tried to squirm and made Jongho let him go.


And with that, the blonde was allowed to walk again. They went inside and Yeosang let out a small hum as he felt warm again. Like a real home.

Jongho was taking off his shoes when something came inside of Yeosang's mind. Jongho literally carried him out of the club all the way until here, and he didn't even say thank you. They might not like each other, but Yeosang knows he will feel bad if he doesn't at least say thank you.

"Uh-.." He cleared his throat to catch Jongho's attention.

The younger looked up before taking off his coat and placing it on the hook.


Yeosang pressed his lips into a line.

"Uh.. thank you ..for carrying me?"

The blonde didn't even realize how close they actually were. Jongho let out a small smile before giving him a small nod.

"It was my good will, so no problem."

Yeosang smiled back, also nodding his head as he felt relieved. They just stood there like idiots and looked each other into the eyes. And he swore that he felt shivers coming down his spine when Jongho looked down at his lips.

He kept his eyes there, and Yeosang's heart stopped beating when he realized he was leaning over a bit. Heart racing, eyes wide open and fists clenching, Yeosang gulped. He didn't think this would happen.

What's up with we were never close now, Choi?

"Uh-.." He mumbled.

"I should go to sleep, so.." Yeosang rubbed the back of his head.

Jongho awkwardly moved away and nodded his head.

"Yeah...me too."

Yeosang hummed before turning behind and then looked over to Jongho again. This is so awkward he wanted to die and dig his own grave with a spoon.

"Uh- So, goodnight!"

And with that, Yeosang ran upstairs and left Jongho standing there.

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