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"Hey- hey!" Jongho said as he walked behind Yeosang.

He caught the blonde's wrist and turned him around, feeling a bit awkward because of the noodles from the soup being in his hair and all over his clothes. Jongho tried not to laugh at that no matter how bad he felt, instead keeping his lips in a line.

"What?" Yeosang mumbled, clearly not too happy for him being there.

"What happened there? I saw Wooyoung and San arguing about something there."

Yeosang sighed. "Just San making fun of us for something, like always. Why are you acting like you don't know?"

Jongho blinked. "If I knew I wouldn't be here and asking you what happened. I really don't know anything."

Yeosang shook his head before turning around and going to the bathroom. Jongho followed close behind, watching as the blonde took off the hoodie and stayed in a short sleeved shirt, letting Yeosang admire the bracelets he had on his wrist.

He sighed and tried washing off the soup with the water, but no success however. Yeosang groaned in annoyance as his white hoodie was ruined.

"Stupid San.. he always has to ruin something, for fuck's shake. Waste of his good looks when he has an idiotic personality." The blonde mumbled in anger.

Jongho hated it, but he almost laughed. He doesn't know why did he find it so funny when he insulted San.

"Hey, why don't you just wear your jacket instead of a hoodie so you don't get cold? The maids will wash it when we get back home-"

"I told you-"

"Yeah I know, you don't want it to be your home." Jongho cut him off.

Yeosang sighed again before placing his hoodie on a counter.

"I didn't bring a jacket with me." He mumbled. 

"Who the hell doesn't wear a jacket in the middle of the fall?" Jongho asked in a confusion.

Yeosang gave him a glare. "I don't, bitch."

"Don't get angry with me now, I'm trying to help you." Jongho rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'll just stay like this. I won't die anyway."

Jongho watched as he got the hoodie in his hand and begin walking out. Yeosang got not too far when his wrist was grabbed and he was turned around.

"Hey, what-"

"Here." He quickly took off his sweater he had on top of the shirt and gave it to Yeosang, who took it and looked at the younger in confusion.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Eat it. What are you supposed to do?" Jongho said sarcastically.

Yeosang rolled his eyes at him. He sighed and looked at the soft material in his hand, not sure what should he say or do. Jongho groaned after a few seconds. He pushed Yeosang's hand towards the boy, making the black material be pressed against his chest.

"Come on, take it. I won't tell anyone what happened here. Just say you found it in your locker if anyone asks."

Yeosang just stayed silent and took it. He gave Jongho the dirty hoodie to hold while he wears the other one, zipping it and rubbing his hands together. Jongho watched as the sleeves fell over his hands, and he tried not to awe at the look.

He looked somehow...cute.

"I'll take this back now.." Yeosang mumbled quietly as he took the white hoodie from Jongho's hand.

The male snapped out and raised his head up. He nodded slowly, not sure what to say or what just happened.

What the fuck, Choi Jongho?

Yeosang gave him a small smile before turning around and walking out of the bathroom. Jongho was still confused, so he just stood there in silence for a bit of time.

"Holy shit, what is wrong with me?" He mumbled and turned around to see himself in the mirror.

Jongho washed his face with a cold water and slapped himself a few times, trying to somehow snap out of it and continue his day normally. He got out not too long after, going back to the cafeteria where he found his usual group of people.

Jongho looked around and tried seeing where Yeosang was, and the male was sitting on the same table he was before the soup was spilled all over him.

Wooyoung and him laughed about something as Hongjoong and Yunho argued about something and Seonghwa laughed at them.

They seemed..so happy and friendly unlike Jongho's friends.

He continued staring at Yeosang for a couple of moments, looking at how the male looked while he smiled. And at seems like at that same moment the blonde read his mind. Yeosang looked up and their eyes locked.

Jongho blinked as they stared at each other, but he didn't really care how he looked.

Jongho wasn't sure if he was going crazy or he was seeing Yeosang giving him a small smile as he kept staring at him, the smile almost not even visible as he did that. He was confused, but it felt weird at the same time.

It kind of gave him the weird tangle in his stomach. 

"Ayo Jongho!"

The male snapped his head at the sound of the voice. Geonhak, his friend, gave him a wave as he invited him over to sit. Jongho looked over to Yeosang who was laughing about something again before walking towards his friends.

What are you doing to me, Kang Yeosang?

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