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It's been hours and Jongho still isn't back.

Yeosang gave up on trying to call or text him, instead just waiting for him in silence as he waited for Jongho to come back. He isn't sure if he should be worried by now, specially since it's almost 11pm and Jongho left at 10am.

Yeosang wanted to tell so much things to Haewon and rip her hair off her head for taking Jongho away from him at such an important day. It was so upsetting to him that Jongho lied and went with his ex, and Yeosang definitely won't let it go easily.

A sigh once again left his mouth, but Yeosang perked up once he heard the door open and close. A couple of seconds later, Jongho's head popped up from the corner as he tried seeing where Yeosang was.

"Hey." He smiled at Yeosang, but the male didn't have any emotions to do anything.

Jongho kept smiling like nothing has ever happened, but Yeosang kept his cold stare. His smile slowly dropped as he now looked at the older in confusion.

"Where were you?" Yeosang asked only because he was curious.

Jongho visibly gulped, and then Yeosang knew he was about to lie again.

"A-at work, why?"

Yeosang crossed, well tried to cross, his hands over his now huge belly. Jongho still stood in front of him and watched him in confusion.

"So being in cafe with Haewon is your way of working? I didn't know that she works for you."

Jongho sighed as Yeosang sarcastically said that. That's what he was afraid of.


"Jongho, you disappointed me." He cut him off.

Jongho shut his mouth and pressed his lips in a line, waiting for Yeosang to finish as he looked down to his feet.

"You disappointed me and your kids. I expected you to go with me, but seems like Haewon is more important to you than your own family."

The male snapped his head up a couple of seconds later, staring at Yeosang wide eyed when he realized what he meant. His husband kept staring at him with that cold stare but Jongho couldn't help but smile.

"Did you just say 'kids'?"

Yeosang still stood cold, but he sighed.

"It's definitely twins. A girl and a boy, but the gender not 100% sure. You could have known it way earlier then you do now." Yeosang paused.

Jongho couldn't hide his smile. He wanted twins, and it definitely played out so good.
His eyes started shining slowly, and Yeosang knew he was about to cry.

"We are having twins!" Jongho exclaimed with a smile, almost crying out of joy.

"Yeah, but you chose to go with Haewon." Yeosang finished.

He kept pushing it to Jongho, who now stopped smiling and instead sighed as he closed his eyes. Yeosang was mad, but he also felt jealous. Jongho is only his, and he is sure that Haewon will hear about it from him. She can go cry to her sugar daddy about it.

"Yeosang, she said how she needed to talk to me immediately. I agreed to go with her just because I knew how she will keep begging me or even come here just for me to talk with her. Believe me! I did nothing with her!"

"Oh yeah?" Yeosang raised his eyebrow as he tried staying calm, uncrossing his legs but keeping his hands crossed.

"Believe me! You have to believe me, Yeosang. I never had anything with her since we got married, even before!" Jongho desperately begged Yeosang not to take it wrong.

"Jongho you literally smell like women's perfume! You came back home almost 11 hours later and you want to tell me you had nothing with her?!"

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you saying I'm cheating on you with her?"

Yeosang sighed once again before he stood up in front of him. He fixed his sleeping dress and looked Jongho straight in the eyes.

"I don't know, are you?" Yeosang's voice cracked as he said that.

Jongho's eyes were so wet as he tried not to break down in front of Yeosang.

He sobbed. "I didn't cheat on you-"

"You didn't?" Yeosang cut him off.

Suddenly, his hand was touching Jongho's neck and touching the red spot he had there.

"Then what is that mark on your neck? A mosquito called Haewon bit you?"

Tears kept rolling down Jongho's cheeks as he shook his head, and Yeosang felt like crying too.

"She jumped on me, I swear! I didn't have anything with her Yeosang! I pushed her away and- and I came back here-"

"Jongho, as much as I love you, I don't believe you."

Jongho became quiet when Yeosang said that. They were both crying by now, and Jongho's heart broke into pieces. They stood quietly and watched each other cry.

Yeosang is the first person he ever loved like this, and hearing him say how he doesn't believe him about something that is so important is just so heartbreaking.

"Yeosang, please..." Jongho whispered.

Yeosang shook his head before wiping his tears away with his palm.

"I will go to Wooyoung's. I can't be here, at least not now."

Jongho turned around and wanted to keep Yeosang stay, but something just made him hold back. He watched as he took some of his most important stuff, sobbing quietly as he turned to Jongho one last time.

"Here.." Yeosang mumbled as he gave Jongho something that looked like a paper.

The male took it in his hand, looking at Yeosang before opening it. Jongho took a look at the 5 black and white pictures, smiling a bit a few seconds later after realizing what it was.

"They are my kids as much as yours, Jongho. Even if things stay bad between us, I will let you see your kids. Hell, I will let you even pick out names you want to name them." Yeosang said with a sad smile.

Jongho looked away from the ultrasound pictures and looked at Yeosang again. He hoped that it's a joke.

"I- I need time now, and I just want you to know that I love you. I never liked Haewon, and she will hear it from me when I see her again."

Jongho let out a small smile, looking at photos again before nodding.

"You are only mine, and Haewon will never get to you again while I'm here." Yeosang let his jealous side take over now.

Jongho bit inside of his cheek as he liked this side of Yeosang, but he didn't really want to make things even worse by saying how hot that was.

"I love you too, and I promise that I will get you back."

Yeosang bit inside of his cheek again before he turned around, and with nothing else said, he left the house. Jongho watched him leave, letting out a sniff before he looked down at the photos in his hands again.

"I will make that bitches life a living hell." He mumbled to himself.

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