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[Just to say, there are death threats in this chapter. No murder or anything gory happening, just a warning for it. If you are uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter :) ]

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It's been three months since Yeosang has found out he is pregnant, and so far, it has been amazing.

The baby bump started being visible on Yeosang's usually flat stomach. He didn't have nausea anymore, but the cravings like chocolate and fruits were still there. Even if the baby bump is just a small curve, Jongho always takes the opportunity to give their baby a kiss before they go to sleep.

He also takes care of Yeosang almost 24/7, only not doing that when they are parted for their jobs. But he constantly texts Yeosang about how he feels and is everything okay.

Even if almost everyone knows about them  having a child, Yeosang's parents still don't know anything about it. Or at least they hope so. Yeosang was just too afraid to tell them about anything, already having a prediction on how it will turn out.

They never supported any of his decisions, even if he had no choice in them like the whole marriage thing even if it turned out to be too amazing.

They were afraid, and the couple knew they had to tell Yeosang's parents sooner or later.

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Yeosang let out a smile as he saw the familiar black car pulling up in front of him. He said goodbye to the co-worker he was talking with before he went inside.

Jongho decided to get off earlier from the company and pick Yeosang up from his job so they could still go to his parents house and celebrate Eunsu's birthday.

"Hey there." Yeosang smiled as he placed his work bag on his lap.

"Hey." Jongho smiled before he leaned over and pressed their lips together. Yeosang smiled when they pulled away but rubbed their noses together.

The younger admired him a bit before Jongho reminded himself that they were still in the car and he needed to drive or else they will be late.

"You look beautiful today. What's up with that? I mean, you look beautiful anyway, but today is something different."

Yeosang laughed. He wore the simple straight leg denim jeans and a bit tighter black shirt with the coat on top. He would be lying that he didn't wear the shirt just to show off his baby bump. He just found it looking so cute and he needed to show it off a bit.

"Nothing much, just felt like dressing up a bit more casual today and do my makeup a bit more. Is it too much?"

Jongho shook his head as he quickly looked over to him before looking at the road again. He placed his hand on top of the baby bump, rubbing it slowly as he smiled.

"No, of course not. You look beautiful like this. You look beautiful anyway actually. Did you put the lipstick on too?"

Yeosang nodded. "Thanks love, i putted a bit of it."

Jongho smiled before he grabbed Yeosang's hand and gave it a kiss. Their hands kept intertwined as Jongho continued to drive while rubbing elder's hand. The couple continued to talk about their day and how it went. When they arrived at the house, Eunsu greeted them with a smile she usually had, and Yeosang definitely felt like home.

"Happy birthday, I wish you all the best!" Yeosang said with a smile as he hugged her after Jongho.

"Thanks! You guys really didn't need to buy anything. Just you coming here was enough for me." The woman said with a smile as she accepted the flowers the couple got her.

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