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The throwing up and nausea followed Yeosang for almost two weeks. No matter what he did or what he ate, Yeosang felt sick and dizzy.

Jongho was already getting too worried about him, and he took the male to the doctor despite his protests.

"And he really said nothing is wrong! He literally keeps throwing up even after he drank water and literally ate only one rice cake." Jongho shook his head.

Even if doctor said nothing is wrong, Jongho really didn't believe that. It could be that he is just sick but he instead blamed it on the doctor.

"Jongho, I'm okay-" Yeosang was cut off again by his husband.

"No you're not, for god's sake! You keep getting dizzy-"

"Jongho." Eunsu made him pause.

Jongho stopped yelling when he remembered that his parents were over at their house for beautiful lunch Jongho made after Yeosang said how the vegetables smelled awful.

"Yes mom?"

"Don't pressure your husband too much. Yeosang is probably stressed and just had some wrong food-"

"It's been going on for two weeks, it can't be that-"

"Jongho, it also happened when your mom was younger. She kept being dizzy when she was stressed and apparently it isn't a rare thing." Daniel shut his son up again.

Jongho looked at his parents before looking at Yeosang. He looked at the male for a couple of moments before shaking his head and dropping the theme.

The rest of the lunch continued in a good way, all 4 of them having a nice conversation that didn't involve Yeosang's health even if Jongho will continue about it once they were alone. And Jongho decided to catch up with his parents a bit while Yeosang started to wash the dishes.

"Yeosang.." Eunsu's sweet voice mumbled as the women came to him.

He looked up. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you in private?"

The male looked at her dumbfounded before looking over at Daniel and Jongho who were laughing about something.


And Yeosang led Eunsu to their room with an excuse he got some new makeup and wanted to show it to her. The door was closed and Eunsu sat on the bed next to Yeosang.

She took his hand. "Yeosang, have you been experiencing some cravings recently?"

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"Just.." Eunsu paused after that, biting her lower lip to let Yeosang think about it a bit.

He remembers he wanted chocolate cake recently, and he almost ate all the fruits they had in their house. Jongho just laughed in cuteness and let him do whatever he wanted.

"I mean, yeah. I kinda did."

Eunsu took a sharp breath.

"Yeosang, the nausea and dizziness, cravings.." She paused again.

Yeosang continued to listen carefully, but not getting the hint on what she wanted to say to him.

"Have thought about pregnancy?"

Yeosang widened his eyes. Him? Being pregnant?

It did make sense now that Yeosang thought about it. Everything that Eunsu said had sense.

"I also had the same symptoms when I was pregnant with Jongho. I was craving pickles all the time and some food smelled awful."

Yeosang was still shocked. Him and Jongho did it, but could it be that he was actually pregnant?

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