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Yeosang tried to hold back his tears as he opened the box that was full of baby stuff. It has been running around on his mind lately a lot and he just had to do it.

Even if they didn't want to know the gender yet, the clothing were in neutral colors which made them extra cute. It might have been his pregnancy hormones kicking in and making him order all kind of clothes and all the baby stuff.

Good thing Jongho didn't see how much money has he spent on all of this. It's definitely too much since the baby won't even wear it for long.

"Oh my god.." He whispered as he took out the small shirt that was green and white, holding it on top of his chest like he wanted to hug his child.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he imagined that, rubbing his belly with a smile afterwards.

Jongho would cry if he saw him like this, or he might laugh at him because he was literally crying over baby clothes. For once Yeosang was glad he was in the company now.

"Yeosang? Are you okay sir?"

A soft voice made Yeosang jump and look up. Gahyeon stood on the door, watching the scene and widening her eyes when she saw him crying.

Gahyeon is the women that started working at their house. Jongho insisted she worked for them to help Yeosang out since he shouldn't work too much. She came from an family that is really poor due to their mom working since their dad left when she was little.

Yeosang felt so bad towards her. She was so nice and kind towards them, and Yeosang gladly accepted her to work and also help her family out. He knows how bad that is, and he is glad to help someone out so they don't have to struggle as much as he did when he lived with his parents.

"Hey, I'm okay. Just got emotional." He replied and wiped his tears away.

Gahyeon smiled. "I see. I'm done with cleaning, do you need anything else?"

Yeosang shook his head. "Don't worry, I can take the rest alone. You can relax or go home if you want to."

The woman widened her eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, of course." Yeosang said as he let out a small groan when he got up.

His belly has been growing a lot lately, and it definitely left a trace on his back. The baby also started kicking and apparently it's more comparing to the pregnancies other people had by what Yeosang read.

"Thank you so much, I'll see you in the morning then!"

Yeosang smiled as they said their goodbyes. Gahyeon left soon after getting her stuff, giving Yeosang a hug as a thank you again before leaving the house. The male let out a sigh as he sat on the sofa. Yeosang decided to watch some show on Netflix before Jongho gets home so they could eat (even if Yeosang ate for 5th time already).

A soft meow was heard and the small dips came on the sofa. Yeosang smiled as he saw Garfield, the small ginger cat him and Jongho adopted not too long ago.

The male came to pet him on the head with a small smile, getting a purr in return.

"Yeah, you like getting petted?" Yeosang mumbled as he continued to pet the ginger fur.

The cat meowed in response, waving it's tail as he continued petting him. Garfield plopped down on his back and gave Yeosang an instruction he wanted belly rubs. He was such a fluff ball, enjoying cuddled from his owners. Yeosang laughed as he continued to rub the white fur he had on his belly.

Yeosang took a quick photo before sending it to Jongho with a text 'someone replaced you'. He chuckled as he waited for a response.


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