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Yeosang didn't feel anything as he continued to drink. Loud music echoed through the room and filled his ears, making him not even hear his heartbeat.

People yelled and danced around, but Wooyoung and his friend just sat down like the biggest introverts ever. Well, Yeosang was an introvert after all. 

"Yeosang, maybe you should stop-" The younger said as he tried taking the bottle out of his hand.

However, the blonde just snatched it away so he couldn't get it. Yeosang wanted to get drunk and seems like he wasn't planning on giving up anytime sooner.

"No, Le-Let me drink my sorrow away!"

"Bitch, what sorrow? I know you're stressed with the marriage thing but taking it out like this isn't going to make you feel any better."

Yeosang shrugged. "I don't care."

And with that, he opened a bottle of beer again and took a sip. Wooyoung sighed as he just sat back and gave up.

He tried everything but seems like Yeosang just wants to get wasted tonight. Wooyoung knows it's rough time for him right now, but getting drunk isn't going to make him feel any better. Yeosang slammed the bottle down.

"I just- I just don't get.. why me?" He mumbled as he placed his hand on top of his forehead.

Wooyoung wasn't sure what was going on. Was he crying because of alcohol or because of everything that was going on right now?

He shook his head and placed his hand on top of elder's.


"Why do I always get in a fucked up situation?! Why does my life have to be like this!? W-why.." His voice broke. 

"Why me, Woo?"

"Shhh..." He petted his hair.

Yeosang wasn't usually like this. His whole life wasn't so pretty, but seems like it's gotten worse.

He knows that it's not doing good on Yeosang's mental health, specially because his parents are always so controlling. They gave the male no freedom since he was a kid, and this whole thing with Jongho..

Wooyoung knows it will end badly. He just knows.

"Yeosang, maybe you should go to mine and cry it out-"

"I tried it, and it didn't work. Wooyoung.."


"Oh, look who is here Jongho!" A familiar voice from behind said.

Yeosang raised his head from the table and blinked as he saw Jongho and San. He closed his eyes and shook his head before taking the bottle again.

"Yeosang, stop! It's your 5th bottle already!"

"Relax there pretty boy, let your friend drink if he wants to." San chuckles.

Wooyoung turned around and gave him a glare. Jongho just stood there with his hands in the pockets and poker face.

The whole time and watched as Yeosang continued drinking the alcohol. The older however, didn't care about his existence at all.

"You know? for a homophobe, you keep acting weird and calling me pet names. Are you sure you aren't in love with me?"

And at that moment, Jongho let out a laugh as San went completely numb. Yeosang eyed his future husband and said nothing.

"Oh shit, that was funny."

San blushed. "W-why would anyone be in love with you?"

Wooyoung shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me."

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