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"And oh my god, he was so cute!" Wooyoung clasped his hands as him and Yeosang started walking out of the class.

The blonde rolled his eyes as his friend kept talking about some random guy he met yesterday at the library. Yeosang rolled his eyes, but he was also happy that Wooyoung is finding someone cute.

"And? Do you plan hitting on him or?" He asked. 

"Nah, he looked too straight since he probably is. But he is hot as hell, so."

Yeosang shook his head as Wooyoung opened his locker. He waited for his bestie to finish taking his books and stuff he needed since the blonde already had a damn detention.

With Jongho. Fuck.

He sighed. "Hey Woo, I need to get going now. I don't wanna be late for detention too."

Wooyoung hummed as he continued applying lip gloss to his already red lips, not even looking at Yeosang.

"Okay, I'll see you after school?" He mumbled.

"Yeah, sure." Yeosang gave him a quick hug before walking in the other direction. Just the thought of the detention and Jongho being there weren't making Yeosang too happy.

He firstly knocked, then got inside when he realized no one is answering the door.

What the fuck?

Jongho was sitting in the last row with his head down and hands crossed across his chest. Yeosang blinked in confusion.

"Uh.. hey?"

He looked up. "Oh, you're here."

Yeosang nodded before closing the door and walking towards the table that was a bit far from Jongho. He stayed silent and waited for someone to come, but that didn't happen even a few minutes later.

"When is the teacher coming? The detention started 10 minutes ago." Yeosang turned to ask Jongho.

He looked up again. "He isn't coming. He never does."

Yeosang blinked again. Was he joking right now?

"I'm not joking, they never come. But you can't leave the classroom because they have cameras and can see the activity on the hallways."


"What a bullshit.." Yeosang mumbled, turning to face the board again.

Jongho hummed before the silence occurred again. Yeosang meanwhile took out his notebook and started doing his homework to make the time pass while Jongho sat there and probably scrolled down his phone.

"Did you know that we are getting married in 2 days?" Jongho mumbled with a sigh afterwards.

Yeosang widened his eyes and looked at him. He didn't know that time passes by so quickly.

"2 weeks already passed?"

Jongho nodded. "Yeah. It went too fast, and I still can't get over this fact. Couldn't they at least wait till the finals are over?"

Yeosang sighed. "We clearly have no choice in that. My dad just wants money and to get rid of me, but your parents want a heir."

Jongho looked like he wanted to say something.

"What's wrong with you?" Yeosang asked after seeing it.

He sighed, and from the look, he just knew something was wrong.

"Did...did you say the truth when they asked you if your dad was abusing you at the dinner? The first time you stayed over."

It was now Yeosang's turn to sigh.

"I mean- We always argue. We yell and insult each other, it's been like that forever.. but he did beat me up when I was around 14." Yeosang quieted down as he neared the ending.

Jongho's eyes were wide. "Yeosang, you do know that is a child abuse. Right?"

Yeosang kept looking at him and didn't know what to say. Jongho was looking heartbroken and confused at the same time.

"I didn't know. I just- I thought he was doing that because I had a bad attitude or something like that." Yeosang's voice broke as he said that.

Jongho sat back and sighed, clearly knowing something was up with him and his dad. He got up not too long after, walking towards Yeosang and making the male stand up.

Jongho's warm hands were around Yeosang again. He hugged his waist and notched the chin over the blonde's shoulder, letting Yeosang hug him back slowly.

He rubbed his back. "You didn't deserve any of that.."

Yeosang was speechless. Choi Jongho was hugging him and comforting him about his past.

"I'm really sorry.. I know I have been treating you like a trash and you didn't deserve it. I'm so sorry, Yeosang."

The blonde slowly lifted his hand and placed it on Jongho's hair, giving it a slow pat as the male continued whispering in his shoulder.

"It's okay."

Jongho's hold on his waist tightened a bit before they pulled away. The brunette kept his hands on the blonde's waist as they kept close.

Their eyes were connected and Yeosang bit his lip when he realized that Jongho's eyes went down again.

And it didn't take long for Yeosang to realize what was actually going on. Jongho's hands on his waist, his own hands around the board shoulders, eyes connected and the silence in the room.

Jongho slowly started leaning in, a few millimeters every few seconds. His eyes didn't leave Yeosang's lips as he wanted to do this. However, Yeosang just stood still.

"Can I?" Jongho slowly whispered when their lips were only a few millimeters apart.

Yeosang shivered when he felt Jongho's breath hit his lips. He mindlessly pulled one of his hands up to touch Jongho's cheek. And a few seconds later, Yeosang leaned forward. Their lips were connected but none of them moved.

Jongho let out a small hum as he pulled away only for a second before crashing their lips together again. Their lips moved as both males kept close, not caring about anything as they kept kissing inside of the empty classroom.

Yeosang found himself being pressed against the table not too long after. Jongho pushed his hands down to his hips before pushing the older so he was sitting on top of the table.

They chuckled slowly before connecting their lips again. A few minutes of again constant kissing, Yeosang slapped Jongho's chest and crumbled his shirt to let him know he had to breathe.

The male pulled away but kept close to each other. Jongho connected their foreheads before they started laughing.

"What just happened?" Yeosang asked in confusion, rubbing Jongho's cheek slowly.

"I don't know." Jongho paused.

"But I fucking love it." He replied before connecting their lips again.

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