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[Smut scene ahead]

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Reading a book in silence is definitely Yeosang's way of having relaxing afternoon. After that day, he realized he had nothing to be afraid of.

It's lovely, really. Jongho loves him back.

Living together is being amazing too. He wakes up in Jongho's arms every morning, gets kisses and snuggles how much he wants and Yeosang is definitely changing his mind about the whole marriage thing.

He also started working in a company as a economist, and he also dyed his hair in black due to Jongho's constant begging since he thought it would look cool on him. And it really did. Yeosang's life is definitely going better and better even if he never thought it would happen.

"Hey, can you help me pick out an outfit?" Jongho pouted as his head popped out of the hallway suddenly.

Yeosang looked up from his book slowly and smiled, getting a small smile back from his now husband.

"You're worse than me."

Wooyoung invited them over to the party he was hosting tonight since it was his birthday and Jongho couldn't pick out what he wanted to wear for at least 2 hours now. Yeosang wouldn't care what he was wearing if it was going to be their usual friends, but since Wooyoung said it's a party, he just knows it will be full of people because Wooyoung is an elite.

Yeosang gave up already because everything that he advised Jongho to wear, he didn't like it or thought it looked like he was wearing a trash bag by his words. But when Yeosang asked him what he wanted to wear, he would just say that it looks horrible and doesn't match. So he just gave up.

"Please?" Jongho titled his head to the side to look cuter.

Yeosang bit his lip before closing his book and pushing away the blanket he had on his body. Jongho stopped him when he was in front and grabbed him by the waist to press a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you."

Yeosang smiled. "You're my husband. What else am I supposed to do with you?"

Jongho rolled his eyes playfully before placing a kiss on his lips again.

"Come on, help your husband out then."

And after at least an hour of constant arguing again, Jongho finally decided what he wanted to wear. It was literally the same outfit Yeosang was wearing, a simple blue button up with black jeans and boots. The only difference was that Yeosang decided to take a white one to not be exactly the same.

Even if he was a bit annoyed that Jongho is taking forever just to wear the same he does, Yeosang couldn't say no when he did the puppy eyes and said how he wanted to look same as his husband.

And while Yeosang was putting on some makeup, and Jongho just finished taking a shower. A small hum was heard when the younger came inside their room.

"Are you done? We're going to be late-"Jongho asked as he fixed the necklace on his neck, but paused when he saw Yeosang.

"Just a bit.." he mumbled.

The older didn't look away from the mirror as he continued applying a bit of the blush. Jongho kept looking at him in silence, but then Yeosang turned around.

"You okay?"

Jongho blinked. "You look so pretty."

Yeosang gave him a small smile before shaking his head and applying some shiny lipstick on his lips and fixing his hair so it fell over his eyes.

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