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Yeosang blinked as he stared at Jongho. The younger let out a small hum and gave him the bottle, making him take it.

The older just placed it next to him and stared somewhere as Jongho took a seat next to him. There was a silence for a couple of minutes. Yeosang kept looking down at his feet and ignoring Jongho, who did the same.

He knows he is here because Eunsu forced him. Jongho doesn't care about him, and he never will. But...maybe it will change?

After all, it seems like it's already chosen and they have no space to say no to the marriage.

"Don't get it wrong, I'm doing this just for my mom to stop being annoying. I don't want anything with you, specially not marry someone like you." He rolled his eyes.

Yeosang sighed. He was wrong.

"I meant everything I said back there." He mumbled tiredly.

Jongho looked at him and just scoffed.

"What happened to you? Got scared by your dad yelling at you so you tried avoiding him?"

Yeosang sighed in annoyance. Only if Jongho knew it wasn't for his dad. All of this is just so wrong.

"No, and why do you care anyway?"

It seems rude, but Yeosang is just curious. Why would Jongho care after all these years of literally bullying him and now this? Jongho widened his eyes and nodded.

"You're right, why do I care?"

Yeosang just sighed again. This was definitely going to be a hard journey, and he is having mixed feelings about this.

"You know you're going to live here with us, right?" Jongho asked as he looked at him.

He looked back and stared into his eyes.

"No?" Yeosang sighed again before running his hand through his hair.

"Great, just great. Can this get any better?"

Jongho looked away. "I know you don't want this as much as I don't, but can we act like we're trying to work this out at least in front of our parents? I don't want to hear complains every day about how I treat you."

Only if you knew how is it to be complained at.

Yeosang really doesn't care anymore. He just wants to live in peace and have his normal life just like everyone else.


Jongho shrugged. "Okay."

► ► ► ► ►

"I think Jongho already told you that you're going to be living with us from now on, right?" Daniel asked him with a smile.

Yeosang nodded tiredly as he finished crying but just felt so tired and exhausted. They have been here for hours already, and it seems like no one was kidding about them getting married.

"Thank god.." Yeosang's dad mumbled, catching the attention of others.

His mom looked disappointed, but to be honest, Yeosang wasn't.

The male just shifted and looked down. Jongho gave his dad a somehow unreadable look when he said that.

"We got people that already bought your stuff here so you don't have to be bothered. Jongho will show you around the house and you will have your own room for a couple of days until you move into your own house that you're going to share with Jongho."

Yeosang widened his eyes. He was going to share a house with Jongho? This is crazy.

And it seems like Jongho wasn't happy about it too. He gave his mom a look, and it seems like he was about to say something but just gave up and let out an annoyed sigh.

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