~Bonus #4~

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Jongho chuckled as he watched his kids draw some random things.

The three of them were outside in a park since Yeosang didn't feel well. The second pregnancy is even worse than the first one, and he just always felt tired.

He hated not being able to go out with his kids, but at the same time it's better if he doesn't. Haneul and Hyunwoo were happy about getting a new sibling. They always spoke about it around in the kinder garden no matter how much Yeosang told them to stop.

Eventually they just let them be. They won't stop them if it's making their kids happy.

"Oh, who is that?" Jongho asked as he saw the drawing Hyunwoo was doing.

The boy looked up. "It's mama, you, me, Hannie and our new brother!"

Haneul gasped as she looked at the drawing, making Jongho chuckle as he saw the reaction.

"Oh yeah, are you excited?" Jongho asked as he placed his head in his palm.

"Of course!" Hyunwoo replied.

"How do you know it's a boy? You might get another sister."

"I want a sister so I can play dolls with her!" Haneul exclaimed before Hyunwoo could even answer.

Jongho smiled at her. It was obvious she wanted a sister to play the dolls with like any normal kid, but he wanted to know why did Hyunwoo thought it's a boy.

Yes, it is a boy, but none of the kids know it yet. Jongho and Yeosang decided to keep it a secret for them a bit, even if four months have passed ever since he got pregnant.

"But what if you get a sister?"

Hyunwoo hummed after a few seconds and then shrugged.

"It's okay I guess.."

"Appa, why isn't mama here?" Haneul asked after he took a sip of his apple juice.

Jongho sighed. "Mama isn't feeling good now. He would feel even worse if he goes out, but he wants you guys to know that he really wants to be here with us."

"Is it because of a baby?" Hyunwoo asked.

"Is mama going to be okay?" Haneul asked afterwards.

Jongho smiled. "He is going to be fine. It's a normal thing, and mama is strong. He is going to be okay in a few of days."

Hyunwoo and Haneul looked a bit happier now that they knew that, and Jongho somehow thought it was cute. He smiled as he saw them talking and drinking apple juices, then an idea fell on his mind.

"Hey, since mama isn't feeling okay now, should we do something to make him feel better?"

The twins looked up from the papers where they were drawing.

"Yes!" They answered in the sync.

Jongho chuckled. "What should we do?"

"Mama said how he wanted to eat a chocolate cake!" Hyunwoo said.

"Should we bake it?" Haneul asked.

"How will we bake it when mama is at home? It won't be a surprise if he knows about it." Jongho pointed out.

The twins hummed shortly, thinking what should they do.

"Can we draw something for mama?" Haneul asked as she placed the pen down.

Jongho nodded. "That's a good idea!"

Giving them new papers and smiling as they had the plan, Jongho wanted to give the kids something too.

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