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Yeosang let out a small moan as he felt sun hitting his eyes. He squinted them a little bit tighter, rubbing his head on the pillow.

He turned around, trying to hide away from it. The blonde let out an annoyed sigh as he was woken up by that. Not too happy, Yeosang opened his eyes slowly. He jumped when he saw Jongho next to him and looking straight into his eyes with a soft smile.

Yeosang's eyes were wide as he saw the male laughing when he jumped. Jongho was propped on one hand to hold his head while laying on his side.

"Hey." Jongho said after a few seconds.

Yeosang blinked in confusion. "Hey?"

Jongho smiled before lifting his hand up and running it through Yeosang's blonde hair, confusing the male even more.

"Why are you in my room?"

Jongho raised his eyebrow. "Try again."

Yeosang lifted his head up in confusion. He looked around the room only to find out it wasn't his.

Jongho's room had posters on the wall together with some of the pictures of his loved ones. It was really clean and had a lot of white color in it, and Yeosang felt so warm just by seeing it. He was so confused that he didn't even feel Jongho placing his hand on his back.

Yeosang looked at him, unsure what to do after what happened yesterday. Holy shit, he kissed Jongho. But not 'kissed' like a peck on the lips, but a literally make out session. Even worse, in a detention room.

"Why am I here?" Yeosang asked when he felt the hand being rubbed onto his shirt-covered back.

"You don't remember last night?" Jongho teased.

Yeosang took a few moments to remember, feeling his face heat up at the memory. They didn't stop kissing ever since the detention room, literally just parting when they had to walk. They ended up kissing in Jongho's room that Yeosang didn't even know how it looked like until now. They must have fallen asleep due to being on the bed all the time and somehow getting exhausted.


Jongho laughed again, moving closer to him now. He leaned over again and stared at his lips to let Yeosang know what he thought.

"I miss your lips."

Yeosang swore his heartbeat was going faster than the formula one. Jongho leaned down even more, and now their lips were centimeters away from connecting. And all it took was for Yeosang to lift his head up a bit and their lips were touching again.

Jongho let out a small hum before parting only for a second before connecting them again. Yeosang wrapped his hands around the board shoulders, pulling the younger closer to him and kissing him back.

It was nothing special. Just lips moving against each other, but they felt special just by doing that. Jongho's hand rubbed the blonde's hip as the other one was keeping Yeosang's head in place by cupping his cheek lightly.

They kissed for a few moments, but pulled away with the soft feeling. Yeosang felt so warm when Jongho lied down next to him but kept his head on elder's shoulder. The blonde ran his hand through the younger's hair, letting out a smile as Jongho kept cuddled to him.

Jongho lifted his head up a bit and pecked Yeosang's lips again, then again, then again-

"Jongho! Wake up-" Eunsu opened the door in a second, not even knocking on it before just shutting up and looking at the couple.

Yeosang got up in a matter of the second, being even more confused than he should be. Jongho got up a few moments later.

They just stared back at her, eyes wide open as the silence occurred in the room.

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