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"So Jongho gave you his hoodie?!-" Wooyoung's loud ass voice was stopped when a hand was slapped over his mouth.

"Be quiet, you twit! Do you want people to hear?" Hongjoong growled quietly at him.

Seonghwa chuckled lightly at his boyfriend, putting the small part of his hair behind his ear. Yeosang sighed at them, now turning to look at Wooyoung and wanting to dig his eyes out for not being able to stay quiet. 

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Are you sitting on your ears? Yes, he gave me his hoodie and we talked a bit."

The four of them were currently just walking to the cafe since their school ended earlier than it was supposed to, so why be alone in the dorm when they don't have to? 

"Oh em gee! Yeosang, are you sure you aren't in love with him? You took the hoodie from a guy that literally bullied you for 4 years." Wooyoung teased.

"Are you sure you aren't in love with San, Woo?" Seonghwa teased him back as they sat down.

"I mean..." Wooyoung trailed off.

"He is handsome and everything, but he's kinda overrated. Such a waste of his good looks when he has an ugly personality. Plus, he is a homophobe so I would rather stay away from the donkey." He rolled his eyes at the thought.

Yeosang chuckled a bit at that before the waiter came and took their orders. The blonde let out a hum as he sipped onto
his Frappuccino.

"So what is going on with the whole marriage thing?" Seonghwa asked.

Yeosang sighed as he remembered that.

"Nothing much.. mom and dad came over one day and started talking about it. Of course we started arguing and...yeah. It is what it is. I don't have a choice anyway."

Wooyoung and Hongjoong looked at him in pity. Yeosang didn't really want to talk about it, but it's okay since they are his best friends. They were more of a family than Yeosang could ever ask for.

"Hey...stay strong, okay? We'll be right here for you all the time." Seonghwa gave him a light smile.

He really loved his smile. Seonghwa always gave Yeosang that warm feeling around his soul, and he always felt safe around the oldest.

"Thank you guys, really. I can't thank you guys enough for doing so much for me."

Hongjoong ran his hand through the blonde hair, messing it a bit up and getting a small whine in return.

"Don't!" He whined.

 Wooyoung soon also joined, running his hand on top of his head and messing it up even more while Seonghwa watched the scene in front of him. They stayed there for a couple of hours, just catching up and talking about random things that happened recently.

Yeosang almost died out of the laughter as his friends continued being stupid and doing dumb things, specially Wooyoung who asked a bartender for his number just to ask if he could get a discount on the cookies and coffee.

"I wanted to make a joke about sodium and hydrogen but nah."

Yeosang slapped himself mentally when he heard that. Wooyoung kept making stupid jokes and making them lose it afterwards.

"My god, you guys are clearly not well." Hongjoong said between wheezes.

Yeosang didn't even realise how much time passed until his phone buzzed. He furrowed his eyebrows after seeing the message.


Do you want to save this contact?

Where are you?
Seen 21:34pm


wrong number??

It's Jongho

It's late and you aren't back

what the fuck?

where did you get my number from??

Yeosang changed the name to "Jongho"

get back home


don't make me come to you
Seen 21:40pm

Yeosang huffed in annoyance as he placed his phone back, doing his best not to show the signs of annoyance since clearly he was not happy because Jongho got his number from somewhere.

Not so heartless now, asshole?

Yeosang knows it's just because Jongho's mom is forcing him to care. Jongho doesn't care about him at all. Why would he anyway? They are nothing, they are just forced to get married and have a family together.

But Yeosang payed no attention to it. He ignored the buzzing on his phone and just continued talking to his friends.

► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang quietly closed the door, being careful not to wake up anyone since it was almost 12am now. It was really nice with his friends, but Jongho's messages never left his mind. Yeosang just hoped he won't get mad at him.

After seeing there was no one and the lights were shut off, Yeosang begin climbing on the stairs to his room. He looked onto his feet as he got there, but a loud gasp escaped his mouth as he saw a silhouette standing there at the end of the hallway.


"Where were you?" Jongho asked crossing his hands over his chest. Yeosang could hear the seriousness in his voice.

The male sighed and blinked his eyes, clearly not wanting this to happen at all.

"I was out.." He mumbled, wanting to get over this somehow.

"Oh yeah? And you couldn't even answer my messages since you were too busy?"

Jongho's tone and even voice was annoying Yeosang now. He doesn't know why, maybe because he knows that Jongho is acting.

"No, I couldn't." Yeosang mumbled again before turning around and starting to walk to his room.

However, Jongho caught his wrist and turned him around before he could even get too far. Yeosang's eyes widened a bit as he did that, but he just stared at the younger.

"What's going on now? You were good to me in the evening, and now you're being so cold."

Yeosang blinked. "It's nothing."

Jongho obviously didn't fall for that, but he just kept staring back. They said nothing for a couple of moments, but Yeosang trying to get his hand back made Jongho pull him closer. Yeosang shivered when he felt hand wrap around his waist and pull him closer. Jongho kept his hand there so the male was pushed against him.

"Don't be out so late. I don't want anything happening to you, or else I would be the one to blame." He mumbled, staring into elder's eyes.

Yeosang blinked as he did that. But a moment later, Jongho pulled away and started to walk away. He turned around one more time.

"Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning."

Yeosang was little to say, confused.

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