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Yeosang gulped, catching Jongho's attention after he didn't respond for a couple of moments as he looked up at him too.


The younger stared at him before looking between his parents. Eunsu let out a small sigh as Yeosang placed down his spoon. He didn't want to admit it because he knew that it was true, and he didn't want anyone intervening in their family situation.

"No, it's okay. He just has problems with controlling himself after he got sick." He fake smiled at them.

Yeosang knows it's a bad idea if he tells the actual true. They would probably do something and tell his dad they know everything, and he will probably attack Yeosang again. He just knows that would happen.

The two adults looked at each other before looking at him again.

"Yeosang, are you sure? You know you can trust us."

The male nodded slowly. "Yeah, it's okay."

Eunsu nodded, clearly not exactly falling for it but letting it go. Jongho looked at him for a few more seconds before turning in front and continuing to chew without a care.

"We want you to trust us, okay? We are here for you whatever you need."

Yeosang smiled at Daniel. He is really kind and everything, but he can't really trust them. At least not right now.

"Thank you.." He mumbled with a small smile.

The rest of the dinner continued with a small conversation going on. They talked about school and the things that were happening in there. Yeosang learned that they owned a family business that Jongho is going to take over in a couple of years after he finishes university.

Even though he didn't really seem happy with that, Jongho agreed anyway.

And after many laughs Yeosang let out when Eunsu talked about things Jongho did when he was a kid, he realized something. Yeosang can finally spread rumors about him too.

I mean, Jongho always does that. So what is the difference if Yeosang does that?

"Ugh.." Jongho let out a small groan as he rubbed his tummy and leaned back in his chair.

Daniel smiled at his son. "Already full?"

Jongho nodded. "I gotta maintain weight since there is a match coming soon so.."

While he said that, Yeosang just glanced down at his plate. He barely ate anything and
he didn't even have wish to eat. Why is everything going so bad in his life?

"Yeosang sweetie, aren't you hungry? You barely touched your food." Eunsu asked as the son and the father continued talking about the match and sports.

Yeosang looked up. What should he say now?

"Uh- I'm not really hungry. The food is amazing, but I just don't have any appetite now." He let out a weak smile.

What a good excuse, idiot.

He mentally slapped himself, but what can he do? He is bad at lying.

"Okay.." She smiled back.

A groan was heard from Jongho again. He looked at Yeosang, then to his parents again.

"Can we show him around the house tomorrow? I have some other things to do now."

Daniel shrugged. "However you guys want. Yeosang, the driver will pick you up after you finish school so you don't have to walk-"

"But I.. have a different schedule." The male mumbled.

"Yeah, we know. Your dad asked the principal to give it. You're all secured so you don't have to worry about being cold or having to walk back home again."

Yeosang dumbfoundedly looked at them. He loved those long walks, specially at winter when him, Wooyoung and Hongjoong would talk about the most random things and laugh as the oldest hated winter and fell for at least 15 times.

He began wondering : what will happen when he actually gets married to Jongho?

It seems like the younger didn't have any intention of even getting close to him, let alone marry and have a family. It was like the worst nightmare.

"Jongho, show him his room. I bet Yeosang wants some time alone." Daniel said with a smile.

The male just rolled his eyes and got up. He looked at Yeosang for a couple of moments and made him get up. Jongho crossed his arms and walked upstairs in silence. Yeosang just followed like a lost puppy, looking around the huge house like an idiot.

"Here. Your stuff are already here, so don't bother me. My room is next to yours but don't you dare to step a foot there." Jongho demanded.

Yeosang just looked at him with annoyance. Jongho is really an asshole, he never changed.

"It's not like I wanted to anyway." He mumbled and tried to ignore the younger.

Jongho just shot him a glare before walking away. Yeosang rolled his eyes and opened the door, closing it quietly and looking around afterwards. The room was pretty spacious. It had a big bed in the middle and a huge window that looked at the garden.

After a few minutes of looking around the room, Yeosang laid his eyes on the two suitcases in the corner.

Seems like they really wanted to get rid of me.

Yeosang's heart started hurting as he remembered his dad's words. He let out a shaky breath and tried to keep his tears in, quietly comforting himself it will be okay.

I should have got rid of you earlier.

That kept locked inside of Yeosang's heart. His own parents gave him away for money.

God, that sounded so pathetic. The male placed a hand over his heart and looked down, letting out a sob as he gave up and let tears roll down his cheeks.

Yeosang doesn't cry often, but this.. This hurt too much to be real.

His knees slowly started to get weaker, and Yeosang just gave up and sat on the floor. The male hugged his knees and cried there. Yeosang was in so much pain. His own parents don't care for him.

It hurts so damn much.

► ► ► ► ►

My head hurts.

Yeosang thought as he mixed his cereals. He just didn't have any energy to do anything, and it was completely normal to be honest.

His parents want him to marry his enemy and how should he feel? Or maybe it was because he cried until late at night.

"Oh, good morning! you're still here. I thought that maybe you left for school." Eunsu smiled as she came down with her son.

Jongho just ignored him again and went to the kitchen to probably take something to eat.

"Yeah.." Yeosang smiled back.

It made him want to puke. He felt so sick.

"Okay, I will leave you guys alone now. I have job I need to finish." Eunsu said as she took her bag.

"See you, have a nice day!"

"You too.." Yeosang mumbled.

And with that, the women left. Jongho finished chewing his sandwich before turning around and looking at Yeosang with crossed arms.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day." He demanded.

Yeosang looked up. "Then leave. Why are you even waiting for me?"

Jongho blinked at him. He let out a hum and just fixed the strap on his bag.

"You're right."

Yeosang just rolled his eyes and continued eating. Jongho left, but before he went out of the house, he called Yeosang again.

"What?" The older snapped.

"We don't know each other." Jongho said in a demanding voice again.

"We never met, talked and never been good. I hate you and you hate me back, got it?"

Yeosang just nodded. To be honest, he didn't care. He wanted to get over with this and just sleep in peace.

Jongho let out a smirk before leaving the male alone.

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