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Yeosang blinked as he wasn't sure what to answer on that.


"It's okay if you don't, I just wanted to ask since I saw you that day." Jongho said before he could even reply.

"I have only one with me."

Jongho nodded as Yeosang got it from his pocket. He gave the stick to the younger male as he thanked and took it. The silence occurred as Jongho lighted it up and took a breath. He exhaled the white smoke and looked up in the shy.

"I thought you don't smoke." Yeosang spoke not too long after.

Jongho looked at him.

"I don't usually. I used to when I was in high school but trying to stop now since it's pretty bad, so I asked if you have one."

Yeosang just nodded, clearly not caring enough to stop him from doing that. Jongho can do whatever he wants.

"You want?" Jongho asked not too long after, giving the stick forward to the blonde.

Yeosang only took it and sucked the air as it was between his lips. He didn't really care about Jongho's saliva being there, it won't kill him. At least Yeosang hoped it won't.

"I have a plan." Jongho spoke up again after a few minutes in silence.

Yeosang huffed the last smoke before turning to see him. Jongho looked back for a couple of moments, not exactly sure how to put it up.

"Yeah? So-"

"How about we tell them that we want it? We can work it out and pretend like we will do whatever they want, but we actually don't and just keep doing our own stuff?" Jongho finished off.

Yeosang blinked in confusion. Was he serious now? Jongho wants to act like they want to get married?

"Jongho, that's a good plan. But did you forget they want us to have a child together?"

Jongho nodded. "I remember, but who cares? It's just a child."

Yeosang widened his eyes. As much as he thought Jongho's idea was good, he can't just get pregnant and act like he doesn't care.

"Are you crazy? 'It's just a child', seriously Jongho! It's a human being and needs attention and love as much as everyone else!"

Jongho groaned as he leaned back.

"Come on Yeosang, I thought you didn't want to get married to me! You even said it's a good idea-"

"Yeah but you can't just leave a child and don't care about it!" Yeosang shouted before he could even finish.

Jongho widened his eyes at the sudden outburst. Yeosang stared at him in disbelief. For a second, the older thought they were getting a good plan, but on the other one it sounded like a nightmare.


"Never mind. Forget about all of this."

Yeosang got up and walked away. Jongho watched as he left and let out a sigh when the male was out of his sight.

"Fuck.." He mumbled, totally unsure what should he do.

► ► ► ► ►

A few days have passed since Yeosang and Jongho have last talked. Yeosang seemed upset about what the younger has told him, and Jongho is starting to feel guilty about it.

He only sees Yeosang in the morning. By the time that Jongho comes down, Yeosang is done with his breakfast and already going to the university with just a 'good morning' and 'bye' said to him.

Jongho knows Yeosang is right. He doesn't want any of this just like Yeosang doesn't, but what about the child? All of this made Jongho's head hurt again.

"Choi, tell me the answer to the question 143!" The teacher yelled.

Fuck, Jongho forgot he was in the middle of class.


The teacher raised her eyebrow as she waited for response, but Jongho just pressed his lips in a line.

"Exactly what I thought. Focus on the lecture, Choi." She said, but before she turned around again, the teacher smiled.

"Looks like you're in love."

Jongho widened his eyes as the classmates let out a laughs and 'oohh's'. What the fuck?

"No! Even if I am, that is my personal stuff!"

"Oh, come on Jongho!" Someone said, making him turn around.

The teacher laughed before clapping her hands. "Okay class, focus!"

Jongho sighed. What the fuck is going on today?

The class ended unbelievably slow, but the bell rang and Jongho couldn't be any more grateful.

He let out a sigh as he throwed his books into the locker and took his phone in a hand. Jongho scrolled through the messages and notifications he had before putting it in his pocket again. The male closed the door to the locker and started walking to the cafeteria, arriving there not too long after.

"I'm hungry as fuck, man..." Jongho mumbled as he got there.

A few seconds later and he was again stopped by something crashing on the floor.
Jongho turned around and saw a very familiar tall male and a empty plate in his hand.

Some liquid that looked like a soup fell onto blonde hair that Jongho immediately recognized as Yeosang.

A loud laugh escaped San's lips as he pointed a finger at Yeosang. Wooyoung immediately got up and stomped towards the taller, swinging his hand and giving him a slap that echoed through the room.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong watched the scene in front of them, not sure what to do as Wooyoung and San argued about something. Yeosang shook the soup off his hair and tried to clean himself up, but he got up and walked besides Jongho to get to the toilet as people watched them.

But Jongho didn't waste time to go after him.

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