~Bonus #1~

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After spending a bit more than a day in the hospital, Yeosang was finally free to go home after he has completely healed from giving birth.

The babies were perfectly healthy and Jongho has never been glad that both Yeosang and them were okay. He took two weeks off to spend time with Yeosang and kids, knowing it will be much harder if Yeosang stayed alone with both of them alone.

And he should also get used to crying at night and everything that comes in between.

"Okay, can you walk?" Jongho mumbled as he held onto Yeosang's hand with the other on his lower back to help him get up from the hospital bed.

The male was still in his pregnancy dress that was now too big for him, and Yeosang will probably keep dressing them for some time until he feels confident about his body again.

"Can you help me get up?" Yeosang mumbled back, immediately getting almost lifted up by Jongho.

He let out a sigh as stood on the floor, still feeling a bit of pain in his abdomen but definitely feeling much better now.

"I'll go to the doctor to get the pills that you need to take." Jongho smiled as he pressed a kiss onto his cheek and leaving him alone with their kids.

A small sound of whining was heard as both of their kids were in baby carriers since it was easier for Jongho to bring them. Yeosang smiled as he saw Haneul blinking a bit as she woke up from the nap and lied in her carrier while her brother was still fast asleep.

He kneeled down to the same level as her with the pain going through his body, chuckling at his daughter as she sucked onto her pacifier.

"You guys are already trying to talk to me, huh?"

Yeosang smiled before fixing the small hat on her head that was probably too big for her, but will keep her warm for now. He looked at the little girl before feeling something warm about it when he looked in her puffy eyes.

They were barely open, but he just felt so warm when he realized they were the same color as Jongho's. Okay, newborn's eyes might later change, but now it was exactly the shape and the color like Jongho's.

"You guys have papa's eyes. I can already tell you will look like him when you grow up." He smiled.

Haneul blinked at him a bit before she gave him a smile before giggling and accidently spitting out her pacifier. Yeosang let out a small 'oh' as he got it in his hand and tried to make Haneul open her mouth to put it inside again.

"You don't want it?" He asked in a baby voice, titling his head to the side.

Haneul smiled, showing off her chubby cheeks that made her eyes disappear.

Suddenly there were footsteps heard and a small chuckle. Yeosang turned his head to the door, smiling at Jongho who placed the pills into the bag before walking over to his husband.

"Hyunwoo is still asleep?" Jongho asked as he crouched next to Yeosang, giving the little girl a smile.

Yeosang nodded. "He has been asleep for almost 2 hours now. That kid really loves sleeping."

Jongho nodded in agreement, kissing his cheek before he got up and helped Yeosang get up too.

"Let's go home?"

Yeosang nodded. "Let's go."

 ► ► ► ► ►

Jongho yawned once again before he blinked.

It's only the first night and it was already so exhausting. It was 3am, and the twins have woken up for at least 100th time today. Jongho doesn't know how many hours has it been, but it didn't even seem like an hour has passed ever since he fell asleep.

"Are you okay?.." Yeosang mumbled as he walked around the room to calm Hyunwoo down.

He walked over to the sofa when he felt tired with him in his arms and the bottle in the boy's mouth.

Jongho nodded as he fed Haneul too, straightening his back to keep himself awake, being careful not to drop the little girl in his arms.

"Can you hold her? If you can't, you can give her to me-"

"Babe, I'm fine. Just a bit tired since I have never done this." Jongho smiled tiredly at his husband.

Yeosang sighed as sat on the sofa next to him. He smiled as he looked between their kids, sighing in tiredness but knowing he will get used to it sooner or later.

"They must be so hungry. Look how much they already drank." Jongho pointed out as he leaned back with their daughter in his arms.

Yeosang chuckled. "They are small, so they need to eat a lot."

Jongho hummed as he leaned down a bit and pressed a kiss onto Haneul's small forehead, then also kissing Hyunwoo's.

"I love you guys, no matter how much you are tiring me already." Jongho mumbled with a small sigh.

Yeosang chuckled as he moved his hands lightly up and down, still holding the bottle in Hyunwoo's mouth as the little boy sucked onto it.

"This is just the beginning. We will get used to it sooner or later, we just have to wait a bit."

Jongho hummed. "I know. I'm just being dramatic because I didn't have enough sleep."

Yeosang smiled. "Hyunwoo is the same like you. He is always sleeping."

Jongho shrugged as he fixed Haneul's position so she was now in his one arm with other holding the bottle. "He knows what's the best already."

Yeosang giggled, placing his head onto Jongho's shoulder and getting a kiss on his temple.

There was a silence for a couple of minutes as the babies continued to eat until Jongho spoke up again.

"I love them with my whole heart, no matter how exhausting this is. I won't change it for anything in the life." Jongho mumbled as he looked to Yeosang.

The male smiled as he looked at the little boy in his arms, then Haneul in Jongho's. He felt warm around his heart suddenly after realizing how happy he actually was. Jongho was right, no matter how tired he is now, Yeosang won't change any second of his pregnancy nor a night feeding or any other moment that is upcoming.

"We are finally all together like a real family. They are my life and everything I can endure." Yeosang mumbled.

"They are definitely going to teach us to become more mature and better people." He continued.

Jongho smiled at him before leaning over slightly and pressing a kiss on Yeosang's lips lightly.

There was a silence again until Hyunwoo let out a small whine, almost as if he wanted to cry when he finished his drink. Yeosang sighed, making Jongho laugh as he rubbed their noses together.

"We can endure this.."

Yeosang knows they can. They have to, for their children.

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