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Jongho let out a small grunt as he placed the boxes down. He wiped his forehead as Yeosang followed him to the room, letting out a small smile as he saw him. Yeosang ordered all the stuff for the nursery online, and all of it suddenly came when no one was prepared.

"Is that all?" Jongho asked, hoping it is the end of all the boxes that Yeosang ordered for the nursery.

Yeosang nodded. "Yeah. I hope you won't take all my credit cards so I can't shop online anymore."

The male mumbled a small 'thank god' in a happy way, making Yeosang giggle as he walked closer to his husband.

"Of course I won't stop you. We will need all of this stuff after all, no matter now or later."

Yeosang smiled as he stole a kiss from Jongho's lips, both of them giggling when he moved away.

"Where should we put the cribs?" Jongho asked as he looked around the empty room they wanted to make a nursery of.

He wanted it to be easiest it can be for Yeosang since he will probably spend more time with kids due to his maternity leave.

"Maybe we can put them in our room? I think it will be the easiest for now so we don't have to walk there all night and to hear them cry immediately."

Jongho nodded. "That's a good idea. I didn't think of it earlier."

Yeosang smiled before he walked over to one of the boxes and tried to get it in his arms before he was stopped by Jongho.

"Wow, wow, wow. What are you doing?"

Yeosang blinked. "Getting the box? I want to help you."

Jongho shook his head. "No babe. I won't allow you to help me, are you crazy? You are literally seven months pregnant and you want to pick up heavy things?"

Yeosang let out a small whine. "Jongho-"

"Jongho nothing. I won't have you lifting or doing anything." His husband immediately shut him up, pulling a hand around his torso to get him away.

Yeosang pouted. "I can't just sit here and watch you do everything!"

Jongho pulled him gently on the bed so he was sitting there.

"That's what you will have to do." He shrugged.

Yeosang's sulk deepened as he crossed his arms and looked at Jongho. The male titled his head before he messed Yeosang's hair to make him feel a bit better.

"Don't get mad at me now. I'm just worried for you."

The male just let out a hum in disagreement, but stayed quiet as Jongho laughed at his childish behaviour.

"I have to get my glasses cuz' I can't see anything like this. I'll be right back."

Jongho left the room to get his glasses  and put them on before he walked upstairs again. He let out a small hum, but titled his head as he saw Yeosang reading the instructions for the baby bouncer while holding some part in his hand. The younger immediately shook his head.

"You really don't like listening to me."

Yeosang turned his head before smiling at his husband. "Well, I didn't lift anything. The box was just here and I decided to help out a bit."

Jongho chuckled as he shook his head. He had a point there.

"I see you really won't give up."

"I just wanted to help." He shrugged.

Jongho smiled as he sat on the floor and opened the box to start putting the cribs for babies together. It still might be early for all this, but Yeosang just couldn't wait anymore. He just wanted to hold his kids in his hands and show them so much love they deserve. It's so exciting now.

"Why are you smiling?" Jongho's voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and Yeosang immediately shook his head.

"I'm just thinking how much I love these little beans." He smiled again as he placed his hand on his stomach.

That immediately made Jongho smile too. He immediately placed the screwdriver down before he crawled to Yeosang and kneeled between his legs. Jongho pressed his cheek against the bump, smiling as he felt so close to his kids. Just the talk about them is enough for Jongho to turn into a fluff ball.

"What are you doing?" Yeosang chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm just bonding with our children."

"I know, but why now? It was pretty random."

"You are with them 24/7 and I'm only with them when I'm not at work!" Jongho pouted at his husband.

Yeosang playfully rolled his eyes as he let his husband place his head on his stomach once again. Jongho has grown a habit to do that all the time, specially after a long day at work or when they go to bed and just lay there as he touched his stomach to get a kick from one of his kids.

After a long time of Jongho whispering things to their kids and Yeosang almost crying at how soft it was, Jongho finally ended putting the cribs together.

"How should we put the toys and stuff?" Jongho asked as he looked at his husband, placing a hand around his waist as they finally placed the cribs in their room.

"Maybe a bear in Haneul's and puppy in Hyunwoo's? I think it would look cute for now."

Jongho nodded. "It's definitely adorable, but I think it would be better if we added some more colors."

"Of course it would, but I think it's okay if it stays like that for now."

Yeosang nodded before he sat down on the bed with his palm on his stomach.

"Come out already guys."

Jongho chuckled as he petted his head, walking closer to his husband as he let out a whimper.

"Your back hurts again?"

Yeosang nodded as he pushed his head into Jongho's chest, letting out a sigh as he
breathed in Jongho's scent.

"My ankles are also swollen and I'm hungry again!"

Jongho moved the hair out of his face before kissing his cheek again, rubbing the soft skin afterwards.

"I hate that you have to go through this. I want to take the pain for you, but what should I do to ease the pain at least just a bit?"

Yeosang looked up as he heard those words. He felt so special when Jongho said those things.

"Can you give me a massage? The painkillers won't help me anymore."

Jongho pressed a kiss onto his forehead before nodding with a smile. He would do anything for him, no matter what.

"Of course, anything for you baby."

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