Any News?

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Sabrina is in the hall talking to a nurse about Karen's baby when Danni approaches.

Thank Goodness!, Sabrina exhales as the nurse excuses herself.

What are they saying? Asks Danni.

Sabrina begins to speak but her ringing phone cuts her off. It is Andi

"everything ok? Ok we are coming, I have Danni"

The ladies rush to the elevator. Winded Sabrina tells Danni that Karen is out of surgery and the doctor wanted to speak to us all. Where's Fatima?

She went home to change. Well did the doctor say anything else?

No. just that they're waiting for us. Sabrina pushes the elevator button repeatedly hoping to make the elevator doors open faster. The doors open and the women step inside. Sabrina begins filling Danni in on the news about the baby.

Well, She had a boy. He's only three pounds and his lungs are under-developed. She mentioned him having something called BPD and needing to be put on a respirator, but that it sounded worse than it was. She also said that for him to be born so prematurely, everything else seemed to be on par. They were preparing him to start some testing and she took my cell number in case there were an update.

Danni released a long exhale. "This is too much!" The ladies exited the elevator on the third floor and walked over to a seated Andi with bloodshot eyes.

"The doctor was called back into surgery'' Andi cried. She took a deep breath and continued to speak. He said that Karen suffered something called a placental abruption and that caused the bleeding and cramping. Andi wipes tears away as she continues. While in surgery Karen continued to lose too much blood so the doctors had to perform a hysterectomy to save her life. Karen will not be able to have any more children.

The girls stand there silently, processing the news. Had anyone called her mother? Shit! Danni Exclaims. Danni dials Ms. Lisa's number and it goes straight to voicemail. She leaves her a message letting her know to call one of the ladies and that it was emergent.

Meanwhile back at Zac and Fatima's house.

Fatima is standing in the bathroom mirror staring at her reflection. Behind her, the shower is running. All the strength she has is gone as she slides to floor and sobs. Her mind keeps replaying the events of the evening on a continual loop. Feeling drained enough, Fatima carries herself to the shower and gets ready to return to the hospital. Just as she steps out of the shower, she hears the ringing of her house phone.

Hey baby, you ok? Asks Zac.

Hey babe, Yea, I'm good. I'm actually heading back up to you now. Is there any news on Karen and the baby?

Danni came up about an hour ago to update me. The baby is in the PICU with some complications but they're hopeful all will be well with him and kar....

So it's a boy? Fatima cuts into Zac's sentence. Fatima tilts back her head and inhales deeply

Zac notices the change in his wife's tone. "Yes babe, it's a boy. I want to know the DNA results just as badly as you, trust me I do. When you get here we will sit down with the necessary people and figure out the next steps. Okay?

Yea babe. That's fine. Listen, I'm about to leave. Is there anything you'd like for me to bring you from home?

Zac responds "Babe the only thing I need is you. Drive safely please. I love you.

I Love you too. And I will.

Zac clenches the hospital phone as he hears the lines disconnect. His heart breaks for his wife. To know that she is innocent in all of this but it still plagues her thoughts and their relationship the way it does makes him even angrier at himself. And still, thoughts of Karen's well-being are on his mind. They may not be in the best of places but he still doesn't wish any harm on her or her child. Whatever the outcome of today's events and the DNA test, Zac has made a silent vow to spend the rest of his life making sure that his wife will never feel this way again.


Aaron arrives at Hartsfield- Jackson Atlanta Airport and is greeted by his driver holding a sign with his name on it. He kicked himself for being asleep when Karen called. When he listened to her message, he headed straight for the airport without even packing his bags.

His car pulled up to the hospital just as Fatima entered the lobby. He called after her.

Hey Fatima! Aaron calls out to her.

Fatima turns in surprise. Hey Aaron, they embrace for a quick hug.

Fatima, what's going on? I got a call from Karen this morning about you bringing her to the hospital, but I've been calling her all morning and she hasn't answered.

"Well, I can fill you in as we walk on what I know. When we get to the girls, they can fill us both in on the rest." Fatima tells Aaron what she knows as they head towards the information desk to get their visitor passes.

Fatima asks Aaron to call Andi and find out where they are while she stops to check on Zac.

Fatima enters Zac's room to find it empty. She exits and walks towards the Nurses' station.

Mrs. Taylor! I was just about to call you the nurse says chipperly. Mr. Taylor has been moved out of the ICU and up to the Fifth floor to a private room for the remainder of his stay. The nurse gives Fatima Zac's new room number, and she walks back to the elevator bay to meet Aaron.

Andi and the girls are up the street getting coffee. Karen is out of surgery and can't have visitors for a few hours and the baby.. Aaron takes a deep breath. I can't see the baby yet.

Why not? Fatima asked confused

How's Zac? Aaron asks, attempting to change the topic.

He's doing fine. They just told me they moved him out of the ICU while I was gone. Why can't you see the baby Aaron?

Fatima. I have already fallen in love with that baby having never laid eyes on him. He's never met me and already there is nothing I wouldn't do for him but Fatima, if he turns out to be Zac's baby I will never recover. I guess I'm just not ready to face that reality.

Fatima nods her head in silent agreement. "Yea. I understand."

How are you feeling through all of this? He asks sincerely.

Ummm. I'm just taking it day by day. There's not much any of us can do. So, yea. That's how I am. Actually, I need to go to check on Zac. Will you be around?

Yes, of course. Ill be in the cafeteria until I get word that I can visit Karen.

Ok. I'm gonna head up now, call me if you hear anything. And Aaron, I'm sorry. This isn't fair to any of us. 

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