It's getting complicated

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Dr. Charles was waiting for the Taylors when they pulled up with a wheelchair and two nurses. They wheeled Fatima into an exam room with Zac running behind them. Phoenix stayed behind to park the car.

The nurses help Fatima change into a gown and take her vitals while Zac fills the doctor in on what happened yesterday and all that he knew about today. When the doctor asks him about Fatima's pain level today he tells him that she hasn't had any.

"Um... Actually I have been having pain since this morning. It wasn't as bad as yesterday, so I didn't mention it. I thought it would subside." She said with her head hung low.

Zac can't believe what he is hearing. "Fatima! Why wouldn't you tell me that?" he asked raising his voice. "I would have brought you back hours ago!"

"Zac. I know you're upset right now but we need to keep her pressure down and keep her as relaxed as possible." Dr. Charles reminded Zac.

"Doctor Charles." Called the nurse. She motioned for him to come to where she was. He is studying a monitor and comparing them to notes the nurse has taken with a furrowed brow.

Zac's phone rings. Its Phoenix trying to find out where they were. "come to the third floor and make a left as soon as you get off the elevator." He said and hung up the phone.

Dr. Charles came over to Fatima's bedside. "do you have a headache Fatima?

Fatima shakes her head. "No."

Next, he pulls out a small flashlight from his coat pocket. "follow the light" He instructed her. He finishes his exam and begins to tell Fatima what is going on. "I'm going to perform a cervical exam right now to check for the source of the bleeding." Dr. Charles changed his gloves and instructed Fatima to scoot toward the end of the bed and put her feet in the stirrups. Zac Walked beside her and held her hand noticing that she was in pain. The tears continued to fall down her face.

When the exam was done Dr. Charles took off his gloves and helped Fatima return to a seated position in the bed. He took a seat facing the couple and began speaking. "Fatima, there's a few things going on right now that are putting you and baby in a compromised state. For one. Your blood pressure is dangerously elevated, and your bleeding seems to be coming from a small tear in your cervix. There's good news though. You get to finally meet your baby today." Dr. Charles said trying to keep the Taylors optimistic. I am going to administer some medication to attempt to bring down your pressure and some antibiotics. Because of the tear in your cervix, we will be delivering your baby via C-section to keep you both safe and so we can repair the tear in your cervix. I apologize for the rushed speech but the sooner we get started the better chance we have to avoid complications such as infection. Please let me know if either of you have questions.

"Will she be ok? Its too soon for the baby to come!" Zac said

"Your wife is one week away from being considered full term. So yes, it is early but not dangerously so. There will be a team of doctors working specifically with your baby to make sure that it has everything needed and receiving the best care. As with any surgery there are risks involved but I am confident that everything will be just fine with Fatima.

Fatima started to cry harder. She looked at Zac who wore his worry on his face. "Will my husband be able to be there?"

"Yes, of course. The nurses are going to bring him some coveralls after they get you situated."

"Are they going to put me to sleep? Fatima asked

"No. you're going to be fully awake. We will give you a spinal block that will numb you like an epidural from the waist down. You won't be able to feel any pain." He reassured them. "Any other questions?"

Both of them shook their heads no. "Ok, I'm going to see you shortly." Dr. Charles left the room and the nurses followed shortly after. Phoenix appeared just as the nurses were leaving. She read the room immediately noticing something was wrong.

"You're going to get to meet your god-child today" Fatima said between sobs.

Phoenix ran over to the other side of the bed and hugged Fatima. "hush. Don't you get all worked up. You want that baby to see you looking a mess for the first time? Phoenix said through her own tears. " you are going to be fine."

Zac was still holding onto her hand not speaking, he was battling his feelings. On one hand, he was enraged that she kept something so serious from him. On the other hand, he was petrified that she was having surgery and their baby would be coming. He dropped her hand. "I need to go call your father. And let my parents and Andi know too." Zac stepped out into the hallway and took a second to force back his tears. Ten minutes later, all his calls were made and he walked back into the room.

"These are for you." Phoenix said as she passed him the coveralls wrapped in plastic. "The nurses should be back soon so get ready."

"Phoenix, I need to talk to Zac for a minute." Phoenix left the room and sat in the hall. "I Know you're mad at me. I deserve it. I am so sorry baby. I didn't mean to put us in danger."

Zac stopped her. "You damn right I'm mad at you and imma kick ya ass when we get outta here! But right now, I want you to relax. Everything is going to be just fine and I'm going to be there with you the entire time." Zac kissed Fatima's forehead. "Your dad and Andi are on their way. Did you want me to text your mother?"

Fatima considered it for a moment. She never imagined that even though their relationship had always been rocky, she'd be giving birth without her mother present. But then she remembered all that she'd been through because of her mother and decided against it. It would only bring about more stress in an already stressful situation. "No. That's alright"

"Fatima. She doesn't have to come. But she should know." Zac tried to reason with her. He didn't want her to regret her decision later. He was just about finished putting on his coveralls

"Fine Zac, You can call her. But tell her not to come and not to try me." Fatima warned. " And Zac, you look like a ghetto papa smurf.

Zac was glad to see her trying to put on a brave face. Her smile fell a few seconds later as the door to her room opened.

The nurses walked in with Phoenix in tow announcing it was time for them to take her into surgery. Phoenix kissed her cheek and hugged her and Zac once more before taking a seat in Fatima's room waiting for Charles and Andi to arrive. 

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