Sick To My Stomach

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*****Present Day*****

Fatima wakes up the next morning to find a message from Andi. Fatima completely forgot she was supposed to meet up with Andi yesterday to get drinks. She read the message and was relieved to find that Andi had already canceled. She sent a text back

                                ~Hey Andi. Let me know if you're ok. I love you.

See you when you get back. Gonna head into the office a few times this week until you get back. <3

Fatima tossed her phone aside and dragged herself out of bed. She was nearing the end of her school year and she had been so consumed with everything Zac was going through that she had fallen behind on her studies.  Fatima ran to the bathroom and came downstairs expecting to see Zac. Instead, she found a perfectly cleaned home and a letter on the counter letting her know that he had to run to his office to meet with his financial planner.  Fatima was sad she missed him, she wanted to thank him for the amazing night they'd had and apologize for falling asleep on him.

She put on a pot of coffee and decided to call phoenix before she started studying to thank her as well.

"Its way too early for you to be awake. Not with all them flowers I spread out all over that house" Phoenix said as she answered the phone.  She and Fatima met when Fatima started working as Andi's paralegal. They would often run into each other at the courthouse or the coffee shop around the corner and ended up bonding over their fashions.

"NIX you're the best! I don't even know how you pulled that off. My nosey ass almost ruined it snooping though that man's phone. This pregnancy got me all fucked up. I don't even act like that. But then we both ended up seeing you as you were leaving but played it off.  Fatima and Phoenix chatted for a few more minutes before they agreed to meet up for lunch later in the week. Although technically Fatima was out on leave from work, she would often go into the office when Andi was out of town just to check on things and make sure Andi's cases were still being managed to the best of her ability.

Fatima finished her cup of coffee and made a mental note that it was time to switch to decaf. Since being pregnant Fatima has been trying to cut back on coffee but since that wasn't happening, she figured switching to decaf was the next best thing. She went to her desk to grab her laptop and textbook when she heard the doorbell ring.

She scurried over to the door and found a messenger there. "These are for Fatima Taylor." He announced handing her a thick manilla envelope. Please sign here.

Fatima knew what was in the envelope. A month before Zac was in his car accident, he and Fatima were leaving a friend's birthday dinner on Peachtree when she spotted her mother and Godfather kissing through the window of an art gallery. She was pissed.

After the failed dinner a few months back, her mother begged her not to tell her father about seeing them at the hotel. She made up a story about her being too drunk to drive and called Keith to get her since she and Charles had gotten into a huge fight earlier in the day.  Fatima wanted to believe her mother, but she couldn't. She saw the way they were looking at each other that morning at the hotel and it was much more than Victoria was letting on.  She hired a private investigator to follow them and get proof.

Two days ago, she received a voicemail letting her know to look out for a package from her investigator.

Fatima thanked the man and closed the door anxious to see what truths the envelope would reveal.

Fatima opened the envelope and spilled its contents on the kitchen island. Her jaw dropped. There were pictures of Keith and veronica at hotels, and restaurants, holding hands, kissing, and holding each other. But there were four pictures that sat out amongst the rest. Keith's face was buried deep in Victoria's pussy. Fatima expected that. She didn't however expect them to be betraying her father in his own bed.

She immediately thought of her father and how devastated he would be to find out his wife of thirty-eight years and his best friend since middle school was having a relationship right behind his back. The thought of her father being so grossly betrayed literally made Fatima sick and she ran to the kitchen sink.

Zac walked back into the house just as Fatima finished puking in the kitchen sink. He rushed over to her side. But she waved him away.

"Baby, you good?" He asked concerned

Fatima nodded her head and pointed behind her to the counter. "Damn" was all he said looking over the stack of photos. Fatima rinsed her mouth at the sink and dried it a paper towel before facing Zac.

"There goes the announcement dinner." She says as she heads upstairs shaking her head to go brush her teeth.

Zac grabs a glass of lemon water and brings It upstairs where he finds her sitting on the edge of their bed. "Hey, I don't want you focusing on that right now. You have exams coming up and you're carrying a baby. You can't get yourself worked up right now." Zac said sitting beside her.

"Babe, I hear you. But how can I not? This is so foul! They've been together for so long. And daddy really loves and worships the ground my mom walks on."

"I know T but we gotta worry bout you right now. I'll cancel dinner and we can just text them the sonogram." Zac was hopeful that Fatima would see it his way.

She thought it over for a minute before answering. She knew her husband was right. "Ok Zac. You're right. Imma just take a nap for a bit. That just made my head hurt."

Zac begins getting undressed and joins her in bed. He cuddles with his wife and she falls into sleep after silently crying over what she just saw.

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