Secrets Unveiled

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Karen returns home to find that all the blood and evidence from that night has been cleaned.

"Aaron, did you have my house cleaned again?"

Aaron looks at her with confusion. "umm.. no. I didn't know it needed cleaning"

Ms. Lisa enters the living room from the bathroom wearing pink rubber gloves and a yellow apron.

"thank you ma. I hadn't even thought about it until we reached the door."

"its no problem baby, I'm sending Aaron my bill"

Aaron laughs "it'll be paid in full by end of business"

"Ok well I'm gonna head out of here. I'm going hiking in the morning. Might be gone for a few days but ill have my phone on me if you need to reach me."

"Ok mama and thank you again. I'll be fine."

Ms. Lisa looks sternly at Aaron. "she is going to be fine.. Right?

"Absolutely! Your daughter is in good hands. I promise"

"ok then." Ms. Lisa responds as she takes off her gloves and apron. "imma head out" she kisses Karen on the cheek and pats Aaron on the shoulder. "and baby, when I get back, we have some things to discuss."

" Ok ma" Karen says

Ms. Lisa leaves the apartment and Aaron goes to the kitchen to get Karen a glass of water while she gets comfortable on the couch.

Aaron hands Karen the glass and sits down on the opposite end of the couch slightly facing her.

There is a long silence until Aaron's cell phone chimes. It's an email He looks down at his phone and is speechless. Still silent, he hands his phone to Karen so she can see for herself.

"What am I looking at?"

"Karen, these are the DNA results"

Karen has spotted the answer. She begins to cry.

Aaron is unsure if she's crying out of relief or devastation, but he has a pretty good idea.

"So, Zac is the father." Aaron states. Devoid of any emotion.

Karen, with tears streaming down her face nods in agreement

Aaron sits back on the couch. Trying to keep his own tears from falling he tilts his head backward touching the wall behind him.

"Aaron, I.."

Aaron raises his hand to stop Karen from speaking.

"Karen, before you say anything please just give me a minute."

Aaron sits forward again and hangs his head between his knees. After a moment he faces Karen and opens his mouth as to speak, but nothing escapes. Instead, he stands, kisses Karen on the top of her head, and heads out the door. He tells her that he will be back. He needs air. Karen does not protest. In fact, she can't move. She is stunned.

Zac and Fatima are cuddling in bed watching old episodes of Scandal. Zac has been quiet all day and Fatima has chalked it up to him being tired and in pain.

"Hey babe. I'm headed to the kitchen do you want anything?" Fatima asks as she rises from the bed and stretches.

Zac is staring at her, Imagining her pregnant. He doesn't answer.

"Babe!" Fatima snaps Zac into reality.

"Um, yea can you bring me a Tylenol?"

"Does your side hurt? You know they prescribed you stronger medication than Tylenol for a reason."

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