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The next morning Aaron calls Karen.

"Hey you! How are you feeling this morning?

"Hey." She replies drily. I just got back from Seeing Zion. My Mom is here. Can I call you back?

Before Aaron could respond he heard the line disconnect.

"Baby, why are you being so mean to that man? From what I can tell and what you've told me, he has not only yours but your son's best interest at heart. I know that you love him, and I know that you love Zac too but you don't have to be with either of them. But you don't want to push that man away, especially if he is Zion's father. There's no rules that says you must be together but Karen you're going to need support.

"I know mom I'm just not ready to talk. Not to him or to Zac. especially not Zac."

"Baby you can't be mad at Zac for doing what you told him to do. I was there that night remember? You told him that you did not want to be with him, you begged him to move on. and from what I hear that's what he's done. I know you have a lot going on right now, but honey the time to face it has come. You have a beautiful baby boy who needs a father. You're going to need the support and you have it. You have me, you have the girls, and you are covered but that child is still going to need a father. And if Zac is the father of that baby and he has indeed moved on, you're going to have to let him go while still letting him be Zion's father.

Karen listens quietly as her mother speaks. She knows that what she's saying is right. Still, she's not ready to face the truth.


Upstairs at Zac's room.

Fatima is learning how to properly care for Zac's wound but is unable to focus. she is taking deep breaths trying to ease her nausea. Just as Fatima feels she can take no more, the nurse is done and leaves to go prepare the discharge forms.

"Babe, you good? You look a little pale" Zac questions.

"yes babe, I'm good. I just hate hospitals. I am ready to go" Fatima answers quickly.

Zac takes Fatima's word for it and the couple starts to discuss the plans for when they return home.

"As soon as we get home, I'm gonna set you up in the bed and run to the pharmacy to pick up your prescriptions. I've already set up a grocery delivery when I woke up this morning. I also need call the office and let Andi know that I will be extending my leave. Although, I'm sure she is expecting it at this point." Fatima rattles off

Zac calls out to get her attention. "Tima! Babe slow down. Come here please."

Zac slowly brings his legs over the side of the bed and sits up facing his wife. He holds both her hands as she stands between his legs.

''Baby, talk to me. Something is off with you. And don't tell me it's nothing. I know you." Zac please with his wife.

Zac, I promise I am fine. I am just trying to process everything that has been happening this week. Your accident, Karen, the baby and now bringing you home. It just has me everywhere right now. I'm good tho. Just need to get you home and I will be fine." Fatima states but doesn't meet his eyes with hers.

Zac kisses her hands and releases them. He doesn't believe a word his wife is saying but knows that she will talk to him when she's ready.

Just as Fatima moves to continue repacking their bags, there is a knock at the door. Assuming it was the nurse delivering Zac's discharge papers they both call for the person to answer. In walks Ms. Lisa pushing Karen in a wheelchair in front of her.

Zac sucks his teeth loudly. Not trying to disguise his frustration.

"Karen, I already told you I'm not with the bullshit. What are you doing here?" Asks Zac

Fatima is quiet but inspects the woman standing before her. The woman speaks up.

Hi. You must be Fatima. I'm Lisa, Karen's mother.

Fatima delivers a half smile. Still unsure why she's standing in her husband's room she asks "Hi. What are you doing here?

Well, I just got to town and found out all that was going on and I wanted to thank you for saving my daughter and grandson's life. There is a slight pause. Lisa looks over to Zac. "Son, You love a dramatic moment. First you get stabbed and now you almost get yourself killed in a car accident. Ms. Lisa says jokingly

Zac says with an attitude "with all due respect, don't call me son.

Karen has yet to speak.

Look, Ms. Lisa, we've never had a problem before. You've always been kind to me. But I don't have anything to say to your daughter right now and she knows that. My wife and I are ready to go home." Zac looks at Karen. "When she's ready to let me know if I am her child's father, she knows how to find me. Now, please. Get out.

Fatima has walked over to her husband's side, still watching the pair before them.

'Fatima, can I talk to you for a minute privately? Lisa asks.

Fatima glances to her husband. "No, I don't think that's a good idea. Actually, I think it's best you leave." Fatima places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes gently.

''Zac'' Karen calls out in barely a whisper

Karen, We've asked you to leave. Fatima says sternly

Lisa backs Karen's chair out of Zac's room and just before she turns to head down the hall she says to Zac. "I'm going to call you. Answer." She looks at Fatima. "Nice meeting you"

Fatima simply nods her head while Zac has regained his silence.

Finally, the nurse enters with the discharge papers. "Perfect timing," Zac says sarcastically.

Fatima thanks the nurse and they grab their final tidbits from around the room and exit the room. 

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