Here and There

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++"FUCKKKKKKKKKK!" Zac hollered as he ended the call with his wife. "Zac you good bro?" Jake looked over to Zac from the back seat of their car service. "Yea. No. my pops called and said my brother is dead and they need me to go identify the body." Zac revealed. "Damn bro sorry to hear that. I can look up the flights and get you back to Atlanta." Jake pulled out his phone and started to check flight times from Laguardia. "Nah it's cool. Let's get this shit over with here. I gotta deal with this shit first and then I can focus on that." Zac said with his head back and eyes closed trying to calm himself. "shit. Lemme call my pops."

"Why don't you wait til we get to the hotel so that you guys can have privacy" jake offered. Twenty minutes later the men were checked into their rooms and Zac called Fatima to check in on her and Zane.

~Hey babe. How are you two doing?.. That's good but please let Phoenix help. That's why she's there in the first place superwoman... No I didn't call them yet. I wanted to call you and let you know I made it in before I did.. Yes, Yes I'm still going to the meeting. Jake texted me the flight times for the rest of the day just in case we can get this done sooner... ok I will. I love you. talk to you soon.

Zac took a deep breath and pressed his father's contact next. He answered on the first ring.

~Hey Pops, Fatima called and told me what was going on. I'm in NY right now but ill be back this evening and we can go together in the morning. Yes. How's she doing?...I know Pops. Look ill be at your house in the morning. There's nothing more we can do until then. Yes. I'll call but they probably won't give me any more information. Ok pops. I'll call you tonight. yes, Fatima and the baby are ok, they're home resting. It's okay you've had a lot on your plate. I'll give her your love.

Zac wanted nothing more than to go to the hotel bar and throw back a few shots but he knew better. His meeting was in two hours and he needed to give off the appearance that he was in control when in reality he was on the verge of slightly losing his shit. He pulled it together and decided to skip the bar and grab a sandwich and coffee from the Starbucks on the corner. He thought about calling jake to see if he wanted to join him but figured he could take this time to collect himself and go over the final details of the deal. He knew them by heart which is another reason why he was so annoyed by having to be in this meeting in the first place. When it came to his business Zac was meticulous. He and Jake spent hours and hours planning and prepping for each deal and if problems ever did arise, they were handled with ease. Their business practices gained them a stellar reputation in the metro Atlanta area within the first five months of business and soon enough they were gaining major clients across the entire east coast. The only difference today is that people wanted to be greedy and think they could change the terms of a deal at the last minute. Zac hated when people played with his business.

One grande iced caramel macchiato with an extra shot and a spinach feta wrap! The barista called out and Zac began approaching the counter to collect his order when he bumped into Robin and Andi who were reaching for the same order.

"Hey Zac! What are you doing here?!" Andi questioned.

Zac smiled at the familiar faces. "What's good Andi. What's up Robin." Zac hugged Andi and shook Robin's hand.

"What are you doing here?" Andi repeated the question. "How's Fatima and the baby?"

"They're good. I'm here tryna finalize a deal and get back to them. What about you?"

"I'm just here tagging along with Robin. He's meeting with his business partners today so I figured I could get away from Atl for a day or two."

"Ok That's what's up. Well, I'd better get running. When you guys get back we'd love to have you over for dinner and to see the baby when Tima is up for it. Robin, great seeing you." The trio said their goodbyes Zac collected his order and left to get ready for the meeting.

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