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At their table Zac and Fatima discuss how they plan on telling their parents the news about them expecting a baby. The first and last time they'd all been together was at their wedding six months ago.

In reality, neither set of in-laws were a joy to be around. Fatima's Father was cool with Zac but her mother still hadn't come around. Zac's parents on the other hand loved Fatima. They couldn't stand Zac though. So whenever they were around Zac tried to make himself scarce. Their relationship had been troublesome for a while. Ever since Zac started getting into trouble as a teen, his parents basically disowned him for shaming their name. His brother was their favorite and it was a secret to no one.

"Me, personally. I think we should just send a text." Zac said seriously

"I wish. But I wanna do something special for my dad. He's been worrying me about grandbabies since forever." I looked at a few things on Pinterest that seemed cool." Fatima replied

"Wanna tell them all at the same time? Kill two birds w one stone?" Zac asked

"Absolutely not. But that may be the quickest way to get this over with. Uhh.. take them to dinner?

"Sure. Reservations for six coming right up." Zac laughed

"Ok babe. You make the reservations and I'll call the parentals. Now that that's all figured out. Let's head home. I need to call Andi and check on her since my dear husband decided to take it upon himself to break her heart.

"I'm sorry about that babe. I didn't think about how me going over there could jeopardize yall relationship. but we not going home just yet. I'm taking you to see our girl Ming." Zac said laughing.

"Oh You got jokes. I hope you made an appointment for ya jacked up feet too!"

"Nah babe, today is all about you. You getting ya nails done and then we going home to get changed."

"Oh Yea? Where we going?" Fatima asked suspiciously.

"Going? Babe, I meant change into your Pj's." Zac joked.

"So annoying! Fatima said tossing a piece of bread across the table at him.

"No but seriously babe, I Just wanna keep you to myself today. Its such a good day for us. I just wanna spend the day with my beautiful wife and My Jr."

"'Unless people started calling girls Jr. I cant help you"

"Fatima that better be a boy in there!" Zac said with a serious face.

Fatima got an attitude. "Cuz you missed out on your son with Karen? I'm going to the bathroom." She said as she tried to leave the table.

"Fatima. Seriously? Why would you say that? Baby, I don't care if you birthed Groot or wanda Vision, I would still be the happiest man and most loving father to our child." Zac laughed

Fatima rolled her eyes "its not funny. You cant sit here and tell me that you have zero feelings about that baby not being yours."

"Of course I have feelings T. I spent almost nine months worrying about it. I struggled with my feelings for a minute too. But one feeling that never changed was the feelings I have for you and my commitment to us."

"I never doubted that. I just.. You know what never mind I don't wanna ruin our day. Let's get outta here.

"Talk to me Tima, What's wrong?"

"Idk Zac. Probably just hormonal."

Zac gives her a side eye and lets it go. "Come on. We can't be late. I had to convince mingy a feet was an emergency so shed take you today."

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