Phoenix Arizona

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 Fatima was bored. Zac was downstairs in his meeting and she was lonely and tired of being held hostage in her own home. She called Phoenix to come over and keep her company.

"Phoenix, Arizona how many times am I gonna tell you that your key is for emergencies?" Zac said entering the kitchen.

"First of all. T said you were in a meeting and to let myself in. Secondly, It's not like I haven't already walked in on y'all fucking in my bathroom, y'all kitchen, and her office and ewww. If I must say so myself. And let's be clear. I didn't use my key on any of those occasions."

"Phoenix. Go upstairs." Zac shakes his head and walks back into the den.

Phoenix takes the stairs two at a time. "Your husband works my nerves." She said laughing as she tosses the mail she collected from outside.

"And you work his. But y'all are stuck with each other so get over it" Fatima said looking through the Target circular.

"Blah. Tima are you sure that you don't want to have a baby shower?" Phoenix groaned. She's been trying to get Fatima to change her mind since Fatima first told her she was pregnant.

"I am sure. There's too much going on with my family and Zac's family right now. I haven't even told you what his pathetic brother. His ass is probably the reason I ended up in the hospital in the first place."

Fatima told Phoenix what happened and made phoenix promise not to go off. Zac didn't call them the twisted sisters for nothing. They would go to war for another, no questions asked.

"No wonder ya ass is stressed. You 99 months pregnant, with a hoochie for a momma, a crackhead for a brother-in-law, a bitch for a mother-in-law, and a HIPPA-violating ex." Phoenix said laying across the foot of the bed.

"Speaking of that nigga. What the fuck is wrong with him? I should get him fired!" Fatima said clearly frustrated.

"Before I read him for filth, he told me that he wanted to apologize for what he did. How many times does a nigga have to apologize for cheating? It's not as though you're ever gonna take him back so why is he so pressed?"

Fatima changed the subject. Yes. It was true that he cheated on her while they were together and got another chick pregnant. What no one else knew is that Fatima was also pregnant at the time. She found out just one week before his side-chicks baby was born. The only reason Fatima found out is because one day they were at the movie theater and she heard someone congratulate him as she was exiting the bathroom. She pretended she didn't hear it and waited until they got back to campus to question him about it. He tearfully admitted it and begged her forgiveness. She left him that night but not before telling him about her pregnancy. The next morning she went to her advisors office and switched to online classes. She locked herself away in her room for weeks. Not even telling her bestfriend what was truly going on. Only that they'd broken up. Fatima woke up two weeks later with her panties soaked in blood and knew exactly what happened. After the semester was done, Fatima moved back home and finished her degree from home. He tried contacting her over the months but she refused to speak to him. Only when she ran into him at a Barnes & Noble did he find out about her miscarriage. Fatima has never spoken about this to anyone and she had no plans on doing so. She wasn't holding on to unhealed trauma or anything like that. She just didn't see the sense in getting other people worked up over something she already healed from. She planned on taking that part of her life to the grave with her. 

"Why are you so pressed about me having a shower?" Fatima said mocking her friend

"Because its your first baby! It deserves to be celebrated!"

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