Out With The Old....

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Fatima enters the room and watches the breaking story standing behind the couch with Zac. The headline reads.

:D.C Senator and wife amongst fourteen arrested in connection with SEC crackdown on insider trading:

"Zac, is this the woman that gave you the tip?"

"Yea bro that's her. What the fuck?" Zac punches the couch in frustration.

"Zac." Jake pauses before he delivers his news "That's my mother and stepfather."

"What did you just say? Jake this isn't funny. What do you mean those are your parents?"

Fatima comes from behind the couch at the bombshell news. Zac puts the phone on speaker.

"I wish I were kidding. I'm sorry bro. I had no idea." Jake is apologizing to Zac.

"What does this mean for me?" Zac questions

"Right now it means just to be on Alert. The SEC may actually come knocking this time. If they do, You're prepared. You know this stuff like the back of your hand. I'm heading over to meet with their lawyers and see what I can find out. I'll be in touch as soon as I find out something. And Zac, that lawyer's name I gave you, it's time to give him a call."

"ummm.. yea. Copy. Thank for the heads up". Zac disconnects the calls and throws his phone across the room in a fit of rage.

Fatima remains silent but she too is seeing red. She calms herself with deep breaths before approaching her husband.

Zac gets up from the couch and pours himself a drink. Neither has spoken a word about what just transpired. He plops down on the couch ignoring the soreness in his side.

Fatima sits beside Zac on the couch. He downs his drink in one gulp.

"Babe, Please." He said with his glass outstretched in her direction. Fatima takes the glass, refills it and brings it back to him. This time she positions herself on the ottoman in front of him.

"Thanks babe."


"Tima. Not yet. I need a moment. Please."

Fatima reaches for Zac's bandaged hand. She brings it to her lips and places a kiss on its backside before standing to retreat to their bedroom. She makes it up the stairs and Zac sighs a breath of relief. He doesn't want to face the fact that she could have been right again. Again, his glass is empty and he places it on the floor at his feet. He commands 'alexa' to shut off the lights and mute the television. Zac closes his eyes trying to shut out the noise in his head. A few minutes pass and Zac's reality starts to fade as the liquor begins to send warmth through his body.

Fatima has been gone for fifteen minutes. Upon her return. She uses her cell phone to set a mood appropriate for her attire. Brian Mcknight is playing through the surround sound. Her heels tapping softly on their hardwood floors. When he is within her reach, she caresses his leaning head. Gently stirring him awake. She plants soft kisses on his cheek and neck still leaning over the back of the couch. Becoming aware of his surroundings Zac sits upright searching the darkness for Fatima. Her perfume tantalizes his slurred senses. Fatima emerges from behind the couch and stands before him. With the low light of the television behind her, his eyes catch a glimpse of his favorite negligée under an open robe. The black lace and embroidered jewels leaves little to the imagination as it becomes one with her skin.

Zac sits back admiring the sight before him. He reaches out to caress her thigh, but she steps out of his reach. Fatima silently shakes her head at her husband.

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