Meet the Wilsons

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This Chapter focuses on the past. It's a look back into the first few months of their relationship. we are going to be jumping between past and present for a lil minute. No need to worry. I'm going to let you know at the start of each switch where we are


Fatima and her father are sitting in his office at her parent's home. He's seated behind his hand carved Solid oak desk, while Fatima is admiring his book collection adorning the walls.

"Daddy, He's not a perfect man but I promise you he's perfect for me. He's kind, he's sweet, he's passionate, he's always putting me first, he works his ass off and he's honorable daddy. He reminds me a lot of you." Fatima was using her powers as a daddy's girl in hopes of her father taking it easy on Zac. She knew once she batted her big brown eyes her father was putty in her hands. Her mother on the other hand would be totally different.

"Princess, if you're bringing him to meet me, I know you think Highly of this young man. However, I want you to understand that I will never sit around and watch you go through what you went through before. Not again. So if you want me t sit with this young man, he better be worth it.

"Daddy he's worth it. I promise. I remember how bad I was after Ian. And I remember how badly you and Uncle Kevin wanted to hurt him for hurting me, but Zac isn't Ian Daddy. I've never felt this kind of love before. The only other man, I've ever felt this safe with, is you"

Fatima's father holds her hand in his. "Ok baby. I'm there. But you know I'm not the one you should be convincing. Your mother is not going to be easy. Especially knowing that he has a criminal record. You know how your mother is." Her father warns softly.

"I know. Take a shot with me, I need to calm my nerves."

Fatima's dad pours them each a shot of whiskey. They cheer to calmed nerves and conversations.

"Princess, are you sure?"

"Yes, Dad. I'm sure." Fatima says without any hesitation.

"Ok. Baby. I'm happy to see you smiling again. I've missed it."

Just then, they heard the rhythmic click clack of her mother's designer heels against the halls' marble flooring.

"Hey Sweetheart. I didn't expect to you see you here." Fatima's mother announced as she entered the office. She kisses Fatima's cheek and walks over to her husband's desk. Kisses him briefly on the lips.

" I know. I came by to talk to you and daddy. I was telling daddy that I wanted you two to join me at dinner Thursday night. I want you to meet my boyfriend." Fatima says with hesitation.

"Would this boyfriend be Zachary Taylor?" Fatima's mother asked already knowing.

Fatima looks annoyed. "Mom! Daddy!" Fatima spins around to face her father

"Veronica. You promised this child you'd stay out of her dating life."

"And I have Charles, But I saw you two in the lobby of the Carlyle at 7am. Way too early to be checking in. I wanted to know who my daughter was sneaking around town with.

"Mom, I am 32 Years old. I am not sneaking around. He and I are in a committed relationship, and he's been asking me to meet my parents. I keep putting it off because I know you. You're going to try to run him off"

"And why would I do that Fatima? Could it be because he has more arrest than I have shoes? Could it be that the only work this man has done is at an airport cleaning planes? Would it be that he's known for cheating on his women with multiple women? How about it be because his credit score is 13? Which one of these things say to you "my mother is going to love him?" Fatima's mother throws her hands up in frustration. "For all I know you've told him about your trust and what you stand to inherit when we die."

Fatima is crying but not speaking. Her father steps in.

"Veronica That's enough! Fatima is a grown woman and is free to date whomever she chooses. She wishes for our support, but she truly doesn't need it. She's going to be with whomever she pleases.

"Just watch. She's going to be here in this room crying on your shoulders about how she should have listened in a few months.

Fatima gasps at her mother's statement and storms out of the room. Her father calls behind her but she keeps walking.

"Let her leave Charles, she'll learn one day."

Charles cuts his eyes at his wife before leaving the room to chase after Fatima. He catches up to her just as her car starts. Gently he taps on her window. She lowers her window and wipes away the tears that continued to fall down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry princess. I will talk to your mother."

"Don't bother daddy. She's never going to change. She thinks everyone is after my money and I'm clearly not worthy of being loved in her eyes. And for the record, Zac doesn't know anything about my inheritance. All that research she did should have told her that while he used to work in the airport, he's now damn close to being a millionaire in his own right.

"She doesn't think that honey. Your mother is a mama bear. She doesn't want to see you hurting again."

"Daddy, No. You're forever making excuses for her. She's gone too far this time. She's judging him without even meeting him." Fatima is still crying through her words.

"Baby girl please stop crying. I'm going to talk with your mother. We will both be at dinner on Thursday, and she will be on her best behavior. Text me with the time and the address and we will be there. I love you."

"I love you too daddy. I'll let you know when I get home."

"Ok baby, please do."

Fatima pulls out of the driveway and heads away from the suburban home where she grew up. Her father is seething. He hates when his wife treats their only daughter like a stranger. They've had a strained relationship since Veronica's mother died unexpectantly. Fatima and her grandmother were inseparable, and Veronica was jealous. Veronica's father left her mother when she was eleven and unfortunately died shortly after in a car wreck. Veronica's mother grieved for such a long time after his passing that she stopped parenting and Veronica was left to basically raise herself. So when Fatima was born, Veronica got to see a side of her mother unlike she'd ever seen before and she resented Fatima for being able to get from her mother what she could never. Love. Knowing all this, Fatima's father was constantly trying to get his wife to see the error in her ways. Sometimes it would work. Other times they would fight over it for weeks. Charles loved his wife but sometimes he wondered what it'd be like to have married a woman with less baggage.

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