It's just business

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Fatima woke up to the sound of Zac stumbling through the side door and into the kitchen. "Zac?" She called out.

"Yea?" he answered loudly

"Can you come here for a minute please?" Fatima stood slowly from the couch

Zac walked into the room. "Wassup?" he says frustrated

Fatima stares at her husband "You're drunk" she said surprised and slightly disgusted

"I'm good Fatima. You need something?" Zac continued walking into the house.

"I wanted to talk about earlier. I really am sorry Zac."

"It's cool T. I heard you loud and clear."

"Zac. ­Please don't be like that. I really didn't mean to go off like that. I don't know what came over me."

"Tima, I said it was fine. I'm gonna go shower before the baby wakes up. I have my phone on me in case you need me." Zac lied through his teeth. He was trying to take the advice of his boys and push his hurt feelings to the side but the longer he stayed in the room the harder it was becoming. Zac went upstairs and took a shower.

Fatima laid back on the couch and let out a sigh of frustration. Tears rolled out her eyes as she desperately tried to figure out how to get Zac to really hear her. This is not how she saw their first night home going. Fatima sat up to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. She grabbed the baby monitor from the pocket of the bassinet and made sure the receiver was on. She figured Zane was due to wake up at any minute and she wanted to be able to hear him. Before she could even fully stand from the couch, he started a light fuss. She hurried as fast as she could to the kitchen to get the water hoping that he'd give her just two more minutes before he woke up fully.

"Hey man" Fatima cooed at Zane who was trying to break free of his swaddle. "Hi baby!! Oh you stink!" Fatima said laughing. She searched the cart for his wipes and a diaper. When she was done changing his dirty diaper, she instinctively went to lift him from the bassinet when Zac reappeared at the steps.

"You know the doctor said no lifting until your follow up with him." Zac reminded her

"I'll be fine. I was gonna sit back on the couch with him. Thought you would still be upstairs" Fatima said plainly

"Sit, I'll pass him to you" Zac instructed.

Fatima huffed but followed his direction. "This is dumb. How am I supposed to care for my baby if I can't even lift him? He's gonna think I don't love him" she said getting emotional

"Don't do that. You're already a great mother. You got him here in perfect condition despite what you were faced with. You and him both are doing well. And I am here to help you, not take over. You've been doing it all." Zac said trying to be encouraging. "Your appointment is in five days. You'll be carrying his butt in no time. Don't rush it tho. You're still healing." Zac tried to reassure her.

Zac waits for Fatima get comfortable on the couch again before handing the baby to her. "T we gotta talk about my schedule this week. I was in the process of closing on three properties this week before you went into labor. Jake was able to fill in for me for the first two. But this last seller is giving us hell and I have to leave tomorrow to finalize this thing before it falls apart. Do you think Phoenix could come by to help tomorrow? I'd be leaving on the first flight out tomorrow and returning on the last flight."

Fatima stares at Zac in disbelief. "Seriously Zac? You're really acting like this? I said I was sorry."

"Fatima this has nothing to do with that. And I told you already its cool."

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