Insecurities Revealed

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On the ride home, the tensions from the fiasco at the gas station have subsided. Fatima is telling Zac about her upcoming exams at the end of the term. He's telling her about a new business venture that he is excited about. By the time they pull into their driveway, Fatima really has to pee and she flies out of the car and into the house. She knew there was a surprise waiting for her but she had no idea her friend was able to pull off such an elaborate set up so quickly. Fatima is stopped dead in her tracks. The entire first floor is decorated with pink roses and petals. Huge floral arrangements covered every countertop, candles of all sizes glowing as far as the eye could see. In corner of the living room sat a hotel- like cart covered with gummy bears, hot popcorn and cucumbers, all her current pregnancy cravings. Soft Jazz played throughout the house's sound system.

Fatima turned around as she heard Zac approaching. Not even he was prepared for what phoenix did. He made a mental note to thank her tremendously. He smiled seeing how happy Fatima was. She was crying her eyes out in the doorway afraid that if she took one step, she'd ruin it.

"Zaaaaac, OHMYGAWD this is beautiful." Snooping didn't prepare her for this sight. She turned around to kiss her amazing husband. "but if I don't get to the bathroom we gonna have a problem" Fatima said already scurrying up the stairs. Although there was a half bathroom on the main level, neither of them ever used it.

Fatima ascended the stairs taking them two at a time when she was faced with yet another surprise. The flowers continued into the loft space that was their bedroom. A massage table was centered in front of their bed with a slideshow playing all their favorite memories on the screen. She couldn't take anymore chances with her bladder, so she continued running and doing the potty dance directly into the bathroom where more candles were waiting beside a freshly drawn bath. On ice beside the tub was a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and two wine glasses. Fatima finished handling her business and washed her hands. At the sink she said a prayer to God thanking him for sending her forever person. She came out the bathroom to Zac standing near holding up the fluffiest white robe and slippers she'd ever seen.

"I can't lie, Phoenix did her thing!" Zac said taking the entire set up in.

"Wait, Phoenix?" Fatima said trying to sound surprised.

Zac cocked his head to the side "When did you figure it out?"

"Well, I saw her car two blocks before we got here. And were the only people she knows out this way so..." Fatima decided he didn't need to know the whole truth. She did see Phoenix's truck though.

Zac was tight. He had seen Phoenix's car too but when Fatima didn't react, he thought he was in the clear.

"Well, Looks like I have to change into something more comfortable "Fatima said in a purr as she accepted the robe and slippers from Zac.

"Change your clothes and meet me downstairs for phase two of your surprise."

Fatima happily obliged.

The day after Fatima finally told Zac that she was pregnant he ordered a photo album that would commemorate each month of the journey with a photo and any notes you wanted to leave yourself about that month. Zac also ordered a polaroid camera, A Nikon and borrowed Fatima's ring lights. He was about to direct and photograph Fatima's first maternity shoot. He already had an entire photo album in his phone dedicated to pictures he took of her when she wasn't looking.

Fatima came back into the living and watched as he husband fiddle with ring lights. "what's going on here?" She said startling him.

Zac jumped a little "Dang I was tryna set up the lamp before you got down here so I could catch that shot." He had changed into a matching robe and slippers with satin boxers beneath

"Here, lemme help you with that." Fatima assembled the light stand with ease.

"I've been trying to do that for the last five minutes" Zac laughed. "Anyway, Are you ready for phase two?" Zac asked rhetorically "We are doing our very first family photo shoot," He said with excitement.

Fatima loved the idea. She loved being in front of the camera. She did some model work in college and her Instagram profile had not a bad picture in sight.

The two of them spent the next thirty minutes taking hilarious pictures and videos. Their photoshoot turned into karaoke and a throwback dance contest when a TLC song came over the speakers. They danced and sang themselves tired.

"Ready for your massage?"
"I was thinking I could give you one instead. You've really been amazing today and I just want to spoil you a little." Fatima says seductively

"How about we take turns? Ill give you yours first." Zac pats her on the butt and they go upstairs to the waiting table.

Zac runs into the bathroom looking for her favorite body oil. When he doesn't find it he comes back out and catches Fatima staring at her naked body in their full-length mirror. Zac notices Fatima's change when she sees him so he pretends he didn't notice her staring at herself.

"Ahh Found it. It was already on the nightstand. Phoenix is on Santa's nice list this year. She really did this" Zac said impressed with her friend.

Fatima is so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't hear Zac talking to her. A wave of emotions washes over her as her hands roam the slightly protruding baby bump. Moments pass and Fatima is still wandering through her thoughts when Zac calls out to her bringing her back to reality. Fatima walks over the table and takes a seat.

"Where were you just now?" Zac asks studying her

Fatima loved that Zac could see her beyond her seemingly steel exterior. He is the only man who has ever made her feel safe to share all of herself emotionally, spiritually, and physically. "I was a little bit of everywhere if I'm being honest."

"lay down." Zac instructs her as he pours oil into the warmer beside the bed. "Want to talk about it?"

"There's not too much to talk about. I am just a little nervous about this." Fatima admits

"Nervous about being a mother?"

"Well, yea. But its more than just being a mom. What if I am terrible at it, what if I cant balance being a mother and a wife and still be Fatima. What if I gain 60 pounds and this body is gone forever?" Fatima said dramatically. "Also It just dawned on me that this child has to get out at some point." Fatima shoots back up to a seated position. "There is absolutely no hole on my body big enough to get your big-headed child outta me!. It will tear me to shreds!" Fatima is on the verge of a slight panic attack.

Zac is trying desperately not to laugh at his wife. He knows her worries are real and he does not want to be insensitive. But she is so cute in this moment that he can't help but smile at her dramatics. "Hey hey hey, you're on ten right now. I need you to come back down to a three" he said as he walked in front of her. "A) You're going to crush motherhood. B) I don't care if you gain 60 pounds or just six. You will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me. and C) your head is bigger than mine so if he has my head, you should be glad." Zac said poking fun at her. "So come on, Lay down and let's just enjoy this journey. I know I'm going to enjoy this journey." Zac says eyeing her seductively. He pulls back the blanket draped over the table and she slides underneath. Before he covers her, he places a soft kiss on her baby bump. "this is gonna sound corny but I swear to you, there has never been a woman more beautiful than you and there will never be for me."

Fatima blushes. "I love you"

"I love you more"

Zac is giving Fatima the best massage she's ever had. Its so good that she falls asleep during it. Zac is pleased with himself and he carries her to the bed and tucks her in gently. he blows out all the candles in the house and grabs his laptop as he takes a seat on the couch downstairs. He has to make reservations for their parents. He decides on the restaurant Aria and makes the reservation for Saturday evening. He remembers his mother mentioning how much she loved the place so he hoped it provided for an easy night with the Wilsons and the Taylors.

Zac Drifted off into thoughts of the first time he introduced his parents to Fatima. 

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