Here Comes Trouble

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~~MOVING ON UP. We are jumping forward five months~~

Andi laughed as she watched Fatima waddle around the corner to the reception desk. "Awwww mama." She said as she rubbed her belly.

Normally Fatima was in a pleasant mood but today the baby had been sitting on her bladder all day causing her to run back and forth around the office all day. Her feet and back were sore and tired.

"Andi, when I tell you the countdown to this baby's eviction is real.." Zac and Fatima decided not to find out the baby's gender until birth.

"five more weeks. I know." Fatima and Andi's relationship blossomed so quickly after the Gary/Karen debacle.

"Where's Zac. He's usually here by now?" Andi inquired. Zac had begun driving Fatima to and from work daily around the time she reached six months.

"He called and said he had a flat and would be running behind about ten minutes."

Fatima sat down on a loveseat in the lobby. And sat beside her still rubbing her friend's stomach. " I swear this baby is yours while I'm working and Zac's when I am home. The only time it's still, is when you two are around."

"That's because my neicephew knows Auntie Andi is gonna spoil them rotten" Andi spent a month in New York with Robin working on herself. In that time, she and Fatima began speaking on the phone daily. At first, Fatima would just call to check on her and fill her in on any imperative details about her caseload. As the days grew longer so did their conversation. They would pray, laugh, cry and plan world domination together. Sometimes for hours at a time. When Andi was ready to return to Atlanta, Fatima was the only person to know she was back for the first two weeks. The ladies becoming so close even helped a friendship between Zac and Robin to form organically. The foursome found their peace in each other. Although the other ladies and Andi were still cordial, their relationship had been strained by Karen's actions and Andi's departure. Andi even had lunch with Karen once at the insistence of Sabrina. Ultimately, Andi decided that she was not ready to mend the relationship with Karen but did wish her well.

"I swear, between you, Zac and Phoenix I'm gonna have to fight to hold my own baby" Fatima joked.

Zac enters the office to find his wife and Andi waiting on him. He smiles at the ladies. "Hey Andi, Hey beautiful. You ready to go?" He extends his arms out so she can use his help getting up.

"I am." She says with a smile as she accepts his outstretched arm.

"Damn. Tima. You're wearing this dress. If you weren't already pregnant, you would be by the time we got home." Fatima is blushing meanwhile Andi is making gagging sounds in the background.

"Come on. Let's get you home and out of this dress" Zac says flirtatiously and sticks his tongue out at Andi.

"ewww. See Tima. This is why ya ass pregnant now." Andi said also getting up from her seat.

Zac laughs at Andi. "Come on Andi, we 'll walk you to your car."

"Oh cut the chivalrous act. I'm literally parked right next to Fatima and you know that." Andi is shaking her head in amusement. "You know what, let's go."

Once in the car, Fatima takes off her shoes and she and Zac start on their journey home. At first, they engage in light conversation about the other's day. Zac tells Fatima that he wants her to look over some photos of a house that they were interested in buying but before Zac could even finish Fatima was snoring lightly in the passenger seat. He looked over to her and smiled. If Zac had his way, Fatima would have stopped working the day she found out she was pregnant. But knowing who his wife was, she was going to work until the baby delivered itself. Even though it was her strong will that caused most of their arguments, he couldn't help but love that about her.

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