Showdown at the salon

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Zac gets back from his meeting with Andi and Fatima is already home in the shower. Zac meets her in the bathroom.

"Hey babe" Zac says tryna get a peak of his naked wife.

"don't hey babe me! You went to see Andi. Zac that wasn't your place!" she says with an attitude

"Fatima, you can't be serious right now!" he exclaims matching her attitude

"Yes, I'm serious. For someone who doesn't want their business floating around the sister circle, you just put yourself in the middle of their drama."

"Fatima, I am tired of being the villain in their circle. Andi needed to know the truth. She needed to see that after all these years of blaming Zac that the problem was looking her dead in her face."

" Zac, What does it matter if you're the villain in their story? Fuck their story! The only person you should be concerned with believing you is me! And Andi is my friend! You should have given me the chance to speak to her before you went running off at the mouth. How did she take it?

"Damn. I'm sorry baby. I didn't think about it that way. I just didn't want you to stress out any more than you are already. You're having my baby. I need you stress-free. She took it hard though. Cried a lot.. I wasn't a total dick about it though. I stayed with her through it until she was able to collect herself.

Zac and Fatima's phones send off matching notifications. It's the results. Fatima watches Zac as he reads the results.

Zac opens the email. He scans it with his eyes until he finds what he is looking for. Suddenly Zac runs to the toilet on the other side of the room and spills his guts.

Fatima steps out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel. She walks over to Zac watching him with concern.

"That bad?" She questions

He raises his head still bent over the toilet and hands her the phone. Fatima's eyes land on the numbers at the bottom of the email highlighted in red.

Fatima squeezes his shoulder as he turns to sit on the floor. Their both silent.

"Baby.." Zac says to Fatima

Fatima is speechless for a moment. "Gimmie a sec to digest this please" She takes a seat on the floor beside him as he flushes the toilet and closes the lid. "You good?"

Taking a moment to ponder the question. "I'm good." He stares at his wife. "We have waited for this moment for so long." He says with tears running down his face. "Baby. Thank you for sticking beside me through this. I promise to make this up to you."

Zachary Taylor 0.01% Paternity match


Across town, Karen is just getting back from the hotel when she gets her notification. She runs to the phone at the sound of the email and picks it up frantically. It's her last shot at getting out of this situation. "Zac is the father; he has to be." She chanted to herself as she waited for the page to load.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Karen sobbed and collapsed to the floor. Tomorrow she had to face Andi and tell her the truth. What the fuck was she going to do?


The next morning Karen is awakened by her cellphone ringing. She looks at the time. It is 6:45 am. She doesn't recognize the number on the caller ID so she declines the call. Karen gets up and begins preparing for the hardest conversation she will ever have to have.

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