Game Nights and Gunshots

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"Good morning Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Taylor. How are you feeling today?" Asks the doctor

"I'm Ok. Kinda nervous" Fatima admits

"That's perfectly normal. I'm Dr. Jean. I know you were referred to me by your regular GYN, Dr. Charles. It's a pleasure to meet you both.

The doctor asks Fatima a series of questions before instructing her to lie back on the exam table so they may begin the ultrasound. The nurse shuts off the light in the room.

"You're going to feel some warmth and then some pressure. I'm just trying to get a clear picture and take some measurements. Dr. Jean is slowly moving the ultrasound want over her stomach. Zac and Fatima are holding hands, staring at the above head monitor confused at what they're looking at.

"There we go." Dr. Jean announces as he locates the Baby's sac. "hmmm" he clicks around on his computer frantically.

"Hmmm what doc? Is everything ok?" Zac is nervous

"Mrs. Taylor, are you sure about the dates of your last period?"

"Yes, I keep a record in my phone using an app. Is everything ok?

"Did you notice anything different about this period? Maybe it was lighter or shorter?" the doctor is still calm.

"Nothing major. It was lighter than usual, but it was still a full five days. You're making me nervous, what is wrong?

"Well according to your dates. You should only be 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant. However, you're measuring 11 weeks along. You're almost a full three months pregnant and out of your first trimester.

"Are you sure?" Fatima is shocked. She looks over to Zac who has not taken his eyes off the monitor.

"I am. You're measuring 11 weeks exactly. The bloodwork we drew earlier will provide further proof as well as make sure everything is as it should be. Actually..." the doctor pauses and begins fumbling with more knobs on the sonogram machine.

"Let's take a listen to that heartbeat."

Fatima and Zac let out matching gasps as they hear the rhythm of their child's heart.

"it sounds like a horse running" Fatima says wiping away her tears.

Everyone laughs. Zac Squeezes Fatima's hand. The doctor walks them briefly through the other visible body parts and send them off with orders for their next appointment and some sonogram pictures to take.

Fatima and Zac are gushing over how well the appointment went when they pass a billboard for a family attorney.

"Babe. I hate to kill the mood but we have to talk about this paternity test. I need to call an attorney to get some advice on how to approach this. I thought about calling Andi but I'm tired of having them in all of our business."

"Well Zac, calling Andi might not be a bad idea on such short notice. At the very least we can get a referral from her. But it's up to you babe. I got your back.

Zac takes a deep breath and dials Andi from the car.

"Hey Andi, You have a minute?"

"Hey Zac, Make it quick I'm super busy."

"When you get a moment can you send me a list of family lawyers to help me with this Karen situation."

"What Karen situation?" Andi screws up her face.

"Karen is refusing me access to the baby because I told her I want to get a DNA test before I sign the birth certificate.

"Zac, are you serious? Who told you that?"

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