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Y/n Pov

My head was spinning, and a scratch went up my arm. It was as if I'd... fallen from the sky? Beside me were two people, one who wore a green robe and a mask with XD carved into it, and the other with beady-red eyes and a black coat.

I tried to say something, but found that I couldn't. The three of us were sitting on a dark oak platform, pathways of wood and fences splitting off in many directions around us. Everything looked well-organized too, houses neatly lined up, adorable benches and lighting in every corner. Not many people were around, just a few in the far-off distance.

Somehow, I managed to sit up and glance around a little better. Two people were walking a little ways away, and I signaled them to come. For some reason, they felt almost familiar. The one who noticed us seemed to almost recognize me too, for he paused. The nametag, "Technoblade," was above his head. He had long, pink hair and wore a golden crown, a crossbow at his back. Rolling grassy hills and snow-capped mountains were in the distance, accentuating the look of a perfect world. Beside Technoblade was another guy. He looked to be a smidge younger, and had dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a green hoodie, white pants, and what appeared to be some sort of mask hung at his side. His nametag was "Dream" and gave us a gentle wave.

"Pleasure to meet you! Oh and don't worry," Techno laughed in a light voice, "You'll be able to speak soon. This place is called "The Database" and will be your home forever. No drama," He chuckled, "No memories, just peace. According to a few other people around here, you left some other world because you wished to become happy. Though I wouldn't know all that much about this place, after all, I've been here for only four months."

"You can call him Techno," Dream gave him a friendly nudge and rolled his eyes, "He forgets introduction sometimes. I've been here about two months, I think you'll enjoy it here. I'm Dream."

"Quick tip," Techno continued, "Make sure you three stick together. You can hang around with us too. If you knew somebody from the "Past World" you'll sort of get the feeling for it. Best not to lose old friends, aye?"

"Yes," My voice cracked a little, but I was surprised that it had come back so fast. For some reason, I felt that it would take longer. The other two beside me hadn't found theirs yet, either. When I looked at that Graystillslays fellow, I felt hatred, which confused me. And when I looked at DreamXD, I felt love. Interesting.

"We have similar named, perhaps we meant something to each other," XD said to Dream, who politely nodded his head and outstretched his arm to help him up. The Blade suddenly glared at Graystillplays, and it appeared he was some enemy. Surely it couldn't be too late to make amends though?

"Would you like us to help you with your houses? Maybe explore your relationships with each other?" Dream asked us.

"Sounds swell," It appeared that Gray had found his voice.

"Great," Techno muttered a little under his breath, and I hoped that he wasn't annoyed with us already. He beckoned us to follow him, and we went down the little path, excited for a new future.


574 Words! I apologize this is a little short because its a prologue. Please remember to follow, vote and comment! I seriously love y'all. The last book got a MASSIVE 15k reads, which is INSANE! I don't expect to get anymore then that, but maybe 1k reads would be nice? I plan to make this book just as long as the other one.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now