Chapter Five

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"I'm running a bit low on money..." I thought to myself. The sheep-shearing business wasn't quite as profitable as I'd originally expected it to be. Several times mobs had spawned inside of the barn and nearly killed me too, the entire thing wasn't lit properly and had become dangerous. I didn't have almost any wood left, and mined all the coal underneath my land plot already. To buy more land, I needed more money, and it was certainly a struggle.

Luckily, Techno had been helping me out a lot. For some reason, he was masterful at getting money, and I presumed it had something to do with his past. The way the entire system worked was that once you did tasks that correlated to your past self, you would get a little chunk of knowledge or feelings, but no memories.

I hadn't talked to Graystillplays in a while, but I got a really strange uneasy feeling around him. Gray seemed nice enough, but everyone else believed that he was untrustworthy. Things were a little rough between us already, I didn't want to cause more problems.

Of course, I didn't expect him to be the one to come to me. It started with me shearing my sheep and moving them to the other pasture, as they'd already eaten all of the grass and wouldn't produce as much wool. Shortly after that, I started baking a cake for DreamXD, when Gray knocked on my door. He seemed almost crazy, and in a panic.

"I- I did a very bad thing," He said immediately, and with a voice so incredibly grave it sent chills up my own spine.

"Take a seat," I said quickly, and sat across from him on the plush, white couch. His hands were fidgeting wildly, and Gray stared at the ground, trembling. We sat like this for a good ten minutes, before I went to check on the cake. Perhaps a bit of food would make him feel better? I mean, I was only going to give XD one slice anyway.

"Would you like some cake?" I asked Gray, and he solemnly nodded his head yes. I cut the strawberry treat into slices, and placed the warm dessert onto two small plates, one for me, and one for him. I grabbed some metal forks as well, and brought the food over to the living room.

"Here you go, it might help you relax?" I was confused myself, and my friend took tiny bites, swallowing them slowly. He still wasn't saying anything, but when we both finally finished eating he spoke up.

"I killed a person."

My entire body froze, and my plate fell onto the ground, shattering into a million tiny bits. Sure, you would respawn here, but it was still painful. I took a shallow breath, as I tried to regroup and think about what could have happened.

"Was it an accident?" I asked, their wasn't a dedicated court of law or anything, so it was up to friends and family to try and resolve the situation.

Gray sadly replied, "No."

"But-" I stuttered, "What was their name? What happened? Why did you do it?" I had so many questions, and things could get even more serious without a proper reason. My mind began to fly into weird places, like what if we'd died because of him in the first place?!? (All four of them actually did, Techno first for his Skyblock title, then Dream because he tried to oppose him, then XD and Y/n to stop him in the first book.)

"His nametag said Ghostbur. He wanted answers about Technoblade and I completely freaked. I'm not even sure why... Something just compelled me to kill him, I had no reason! Even with you Y/n, I feel like I can't control myself. Something is wrong with me!"

"It's okay, we'll figure this out," I grabbed his hand gently, "Everything can be solved with time. As for now, I think that we need to investigate this and apologize to Ghostbur. Mind telling me more?"


675 Words! Honestly its a pretty decent word count! Pretty soon I'll make a really big chapter, lol this always happens with my books. Smaller chapters, then I HUGE one with like 2k words haha. I can't believe that this book is almost at 90 reads! Like that's AMAZING! Please remember to follow and vote to get updates! Btw, unlike most of my books, I don't exactly have a timeline with how many chapters this will be, but the last one was I think 68 chapters-? I might make this one be 70+ to beat it. :)

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now