Chapter Twenty Three

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I was hard at work, inventing my newest automatic farm; a potato farm. Back in my time during the Database, I'd learned all about his harvesting methods, and the system of how the redstone worked. Sheep-farming was relatively boring, and new things were always on my mind to be done.

Some of my last hoppers were being installed, when I spotted a wave of water coming down the bare fields. It started flooding everything, and was coming directly towards my redstone contraption! I tried to cover it up in blocks, but it was far too late. Days of hard labor, gone, just like that! Not only was my farm ruined, but I was absolutely drenched in cold water. It would take actual hours to clean this mess up!

Deciding to take a little break for the day, I walked in the direction the water had been poured. Surely, a river had just overflowed or something? Perhaps I wasn't paying attention and diverted my infinite water source in the wrong direction?

To my uneasiness, I noticed a bucket lying on the ground. Clearly somebody had dropped in a rough, but the most important question, was who? Who had done it?

After a few days, and with the potato farm finally in action, the prospect of finding the culprit inevitably slipped my mind. Voting day would be coming up soon, and I didn't have anybody to vote for except Scott. Recently we'd introduced the idea of "immunity" and it could be done if you slayed the Ender Dragon. Scott had recently talked about doing it, and if that was the case we wouldn't be able to vote against him. Second options were always a good idea.

Perhaps Wilbur, although I'd made the decision to exclude him from the voting? He had upset me and set me behind a little, although giving people wiggle room was a great way to make friends, and ward off votes.

With little time left, I ignored needing the second option and went to the voting. To my dismay though, Scott held up an immunity. It appeared that he was off the list.

Formulating my plan quickly, I realized that I had to vote for Wilbur Soot. He had been a friend of mine, and it would have been better to figure out who the person who'd pulled that stunt a few days ago was. Nonetheless, I casted my vote for him.


Y/n: 1 Vote

Lizzie: 0 Votes

Camman: 4 Votes

SomeMinecrafter: 0 Votes

Wilbur: 4 Votes

Rekrap: 0 Votes

Philza: 0 Votes

Katherine: 0 Votes

Sockshorts: 1 Vote

Beesechurger: 1 Vote

Forge Labs: 0 Votes

Ryguy: 1 Vote

Nihachu: 0 Vote

Badlinu: 1 Vote

Punz: 1 Vote

Scott: 2 Votes

It was a massive scattering of random votes, it appeared. Camman and Wilbur would now have to battle in a PVP competition (with set gear), with the winner dying and instantly going into Spectator mode. Neither one of them looked confident, as their skills were comparable to each other. The items that would be used for the challenge were a full set of iron armor, a diamond axe, a fishing rod, and a shield. There weren't many supplies available for this fight, so gapples, totems of undying, and little could be spared.

Camman and Wilbur gathered their things, and arranged their hotbars. Wilbur tried to use the fishing-rod as his strat, but Camman easily dodged it and got a solid crit. Neither had food, so the fight would be over rather quickly. Wilbur began to struggle, but landed a blow with the axe onto Camman, which instantly broke his iron helmet. 18 focused... and then- Wilbur was out! He'd managed to use the fishing rod and pulled him in for the final kill. Wilbur instantly went into spectator mode, and that was that.

Y/n: Survival

Lizzie: Survival

Camman: Survival

SomeMinecrafter: Survival

Lauren: Spectator

Wilbur: Spectator

Rekrap: Survival

Philza: Survival

Katherine: Survival

Sockshorts: Survival

Beesechurger: Survival

Joel: Spectator

Forge Labs: Survival

Ryguy: Survival

Nihachu: Survival

Badlinu: Survival

Punz: Survival

Scott: Survival


673 Words, Bye Wilbur! :( A little sad to see him go so soon, but I have big plans for Camman_18... no spoilers though!

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