Chapter Nine

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Today would mark the day that would change my life forever. The day that an announcement came up...

"Want to go to the town square? I hear that Mojan is gonna be declaring some kind of statement. Probably about the town hall improvement," DreamXD suggested, "But I don't really have much to do right now, so might as well, right?"

"Sure thing!" I fed the last carrot to baby Barry the sheep, and grabbed my coat. Truth be told, I hadn't been making much progress. Techno had come and visited, and sure while he'd been here longer, the rate of improvements he had was astronomical compared to me. Even Dream had completed a massive bunker (Heaven knows what reason) just for fun. To distract myself from my failing sheep-rearing business, I'd been doing random things, mainly making lots unnecessary of visits to Friend and Dolly.

...Timeskip One Hour

After quite the long horse ride, we reached the far end of the town. A massive crowd had already gathered around the speaker-system in the middle of the square. Apparently, all the small towns/cities had set up announcements.

We made it just in time to, for just a few minutes later the intercom sounded up, "Hello everyone! Pleasure to have you all here! Because we're running out of storage here in the database, we're selecting two random, lucky people to go back to the normal world! You'll keep the memories from here, and get your old ones back. The selection will start tomorrow, so be prepared!"

It shut off as quickly as it had started, and the crowd had a huge uproar. Murmurs and gasps echoed throughout the crowd, and DreamXD held my hand. I squeezed my friend's hand tight, and my heart was pounding hard. What could this mean? I didn't want to be selected! Things were good here, and what if life was awful back there? Or maybe it was great?

As if he could read my thoughts, XD whispered, "Don't worry Y/n. Your not going to get selected."

"And if I do?" My voice trembled, "We died for a reason; I don't really want to know what that reason is anytime soon. Or ever."

"It's going to be fine! I'm sure Mojang will only let people who want to go back leave. Random or not, the chance is so small! It's not just our area either, there are millions of us!"

"Thanks," I said, "Do you mind if I like, give you a hug?"

"Not at all," He stepped forward and wrapped me in his warm, comforting embrace. Something clicked again, and I felt that familiar feeling. The sort of feeling you felt when you truly loved someone. Techno had nothing to do with anything, XD was my other half.

...The Next Day

"Gosh I'm so nervous!" I exclaimed, and he gave me a gentle pat on the back. We stood alongside all the others in anticipation for who would be going back to the "Normal Realm," and then we heard it. The Worst. News. Ever.

"And the winners are SomeMinecrafter32 and DreamXD!"


514 Words! A little bit of a shorter chapter, but's its a double-day upload! This book seriously needed some action, so here ya go! Probably won't post on this for two days (I have another book, and tomorrow I'm busy) so expect a chapter Thursday! Crossing my fingers with my busy schedule! >-<

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now