Chapter Thirty Seven

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In the timespan of a month, I was able to memorize all the books word-for-word. After my failed attempt of consulting Drista, I was becoming exhausted. It was taking forever just to server-jump, and my controller would log in. Not only that, but I still hadn't found this DreamXD fellow, or anyone for that matter! I knew that a couple were in Origins, since I'd been reading up on them in Memory Smp. One of the people came to my Smp, but I was forced to go to Hypixel and wasn't able to interact. Things like that were beyond frustrating.

Once again my person logged out, and I thought I'd give it another shot. I headed to Homescreen, and asked a Mojang consultant to go to Origins Smp. She obliged, and I went to the place. Usually I didn't even make it this far, so it was promising for sure. I wandered around for a couple minutes, and then... I was back in Homescreen, then Memory Smp in a blur. Why couldn't things be like that normally? Quick and easy? I felt like screaming, but of course, I couldn't. All the other people thinking that they were thinking for themselves didn't know any better, and often I wished I didn't know any better either.

Thankfully, there was no bedwars this time. My person seemed to just want to build in creative mode today, and a few cute houses were built. It was the first break I'd truly gotten, and it felt amazing. Afterwards, she logged out and I made my way to Origins Smp again.

I saw Drista and TommyInnit chatting. A flicker of hope! I raced towards them, "I'm Y/n! You're TommyInnit, and Drista! There is something important I must tell you. We're all being controlled by... outsiders. Our previous selves were deleted, and not just to the Database!"

"Uhm, are you okay?" The girl asked, confused, and Tommy shrugged. What would it take to convince them? I thought about my previous plan, and rolled with that, saying, "You have to come to Memory Smp. It will explain everything there."

"I'm up for an adventure," Drista said, "How about you?" She turned to her friend, and Tom nodded his head. It looked like everything was finally moving forward! And then... I went back to the creative world. YOU HAD TO BE KIDDING ME. I almost cried, yet, y'know, I couldn't. It was beyond me how they could log in so often. Why would they even want to?


418 Words, sorry for the short chapter! I have homework and I've been currently working on my novel. I want to actually publish it someday (which is why I probably won't post it here lol).

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