Chapter Twenty

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It had been a few days, and I was growing more and more restless. The real problem was that there was no time to find myself. What did I want to do with my life? Did I want my own hardcore world, just for myself? Or did I want to create a modded Smp? DreamXD always had to make the decision with me, and it was growing tiring. I wanted to think for myself. Keep in mind of course, we had been together for 500 years. (Because it's in Mc years)

The two of us ended up talking it over, and we decided to go our separate ways for a few years. It wasn't uncommon with Minecraft couples that had been together for very long times, so nobody thought much of it. He would be hanging out with Drista and Tommy, while I would finally complete a few big dreams of mine. For example, the modded smp I mentioned earlier. A hardcore world would be to boring, and lonely, but I was tired of Vanilla Minecraft.

"Hey Lizzie!" I welcomed her onto Risk Smp. (If this is an actual smp, sorry I just used a random word generator for the name.)

"Hi Y/n! It's nice to see you again! Empires Smp has been quite boring recently, so this is nice. Who else is going to be here? I know Joel wasn't able to make it."

"I actually invited a bunch of random people," I explained, "SomeMinecrafter32 is going to be here."

"Oh, I'm not quite sure who that is, but I always love meeting others! Where did you two meet?" LDShadowLady questioned.

"He was selected along with XD back when we were at the Database. He's pretty alright, and I'm trying to get more unique people. Speaking of which, I got a huge person to come! "camman18" is going to be participating for a while, and says that the idea is good."

"Could you explain a little better what the mod is?" My friend asked, "It was a bit confusing from the description."

"Okay, so basically one person is going to be eliminated every month. Everyone has to cast their votes for who they want to be kicked out. The selected person will have to go into survival mode for the rest of the season. It's sort of like that one show Mojang mentioned, what was it called again? Oh, right, "Survivor." Thought it was an interesting idea."

"Sounds good! Let me start setting up my base," Lizzie walked off into the distance, and I continued to work on the Community House. Every good smp had one, after all. SomeMinecrafter32 joined shortly after, then camman18. The others would be coming later, and LaurenZSide said she would be here a few days. I sighed, a brand new start! Something fresh, and exciting. It had been so long since I'd used mods, but this was seriously so nice! I mean, I was allowed to use cute flower mods! What more could a girl want? Well, I actually already knew that answer. DreamXD. Then again, Lizzie was taking a break from Smallishbeans. No matter, this was going to be great! With, or without him.


539 Words, is that exactly the same as last time?!? Its been a little difficult recently to come up with new ideas, since this series has been going on for so long already. I started this as a sequel to get more inspiration, but I'm still struggling. Sorry the title of the last chapter was messed up, I fixed it! Happy Thanksgiving!

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now