Chapter Twenty One

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(Alr I made a mistake, the person who is voted goes into SPECTATOR mode, not survival. I'm too lazy to change it, so here ya go.)

The first month was extremely interesting. Everything was relatively peaceful, with new members joining every-other-day. We tried to spread them out so that everyone had time to introduce themselves. People who came in later would get a chest of supplies to boost them ahead, and the later they joined the more loot they would get.

Little griefing, wars, or anything disastrous happened for the first two weeks. So far, the current list of people who were on the smp was (In order of joining):

Day One: Y/n, LDShadowLady, Camman18, SomeMinecrafter32,

Day Two: LaurenZside

Day Three: Nobody

Day Four: Nobody

Day Five: Wilbur Soot

Day Six: Nobody

Day Seven: Rekrap12, Philza

Day Eight: Katherine

Day Nine: Nobody

Day Eleven: Sockshorts

Day Twelve: Nobody

Day Thirteen: Beesechurger

Day Fourteen: Nobody

So currently, we had myself, Lizzie, Camman, SomeMinecrafter, Lauren, Wilbur, Rekrap, Philza, Katherine, Sockshorts, and Beesechurger. The selection wasn't bad or anything, just a little unusual. The point of Risk Smp was to inspire a sense of adventure, and to meet new people. Obviously, we already had some groupings of friends forming, but things were all so new and fun!

I was pretty much alone and minding my own business, on day fourteen, when a TNT lit? A room of my house suddenly blew into smithereens, and the cackling of Wilbur was heard a few feet away from me. I wasn't particularly furious or anything, but that was seriously annoying. I chased him off my property, but lost him halfway through the forest. Sighing in defeat, I headed back to my home and patched up the damage he had caused best I could.

Six more days passed uneventfully, most people just grinding resources and working on their homes. Making enemies on this server wouldn't be wise, so to spice-up the fun I added a new rule: "Instead of the system creating items to be contributed to the new players, you must take a certain number of resources to contribute." This slowed things down a lot, and things were great!

Day Fifteen: Nobody

Day Sixteen: Nobody

Day Seventeen: Smallishbeans

Day Eighteen: Forge Labs (idk if you know who any of these people are, lol)

Day Nineteen: Nobody

Day Twenty: Nobody

Day Twenty-One: Ryguyrocky

Day Twenty-Two: Nobody

Day Twenty-Three: Nihachu

Day Twenty-Four: Nobody

Day Twenty-Five: Nobody

Day Twenty-Six: Badlinu

Day Twenty-Seven: Nobody

Day Twenty-Eight: Nobody

Day Twenty-Nine: Punz

Day Thirty: Nobody

It was finally the day for voting to begin! It was likely that nobody else would be joining Risk Smp, and it was time for me to figure out who I wanted off. Nobody had been causing any problems for me since Wilbur in the beginning, but I had a soft-spot for him because of L'manburg. What I did know, though, was that Lizzie wasn't pleased with Joel joining the Smp on Day Seventeen.

Deciding the most logical thing to do was vote off her husband, (I mean, the girl needs some space-) I crafted my vote by writing it into a book, and we all assembled at the community house where the hoppers were. All of us placed a book into it, and crowded around the dispenser.

There would be seventeen votes total, and no recounts would be done to add to the chaos. Vote #1, Punz? Vote #2, Wilbur Soot. Vote #3, Smallishbeans. Vote #4 Smallishbeans. Vote #5 U/n. Oh my gosh, me?!? Who would do such a thing? I had to get people onto my side, because all the people in spectator mode would be able to see everything going on and choose who they wanted as the winner.

All in all, their were:

Punz: 2 Votes

Wilbur: 1 Vote

U/n: 1 Vote

Smallishbeans: 6 Votes

Lauren: 2 Votes

SomeMinecrafter32: 5 Votes

It had become quite close between Joel and Some, which was crazy! I mean, Some hadn't ever really done anything wrong. Perhaps it was because nobody truly knew him besides me, and even me not fully. It was quite understandable, and he had 30 more minecraft days to turn things around.

My redstone system spoke, (With my pre-recorded voice) "The person voted off of Risk Smp is Smallishbeans, or Joel. You will go into spectator mode actively immediately, unless somebody wants to take his place."

Everyone fell silent, who would want to take his place? To our shock, Lizzie stepped up to the redstone contraption, and we all held our breaths. She was going to take his place! But then she just laughed, and re-took her seat again. Joel made some strange sounds of disbelief, and then got turned into a spectator. Ouch-

So far, the people on the smp were:

Y/n: Survival

Lizzie: Survival

Camman: Survival

SomeMinecrafter: Survival

Lauren: Survival

Wilbur: Survival

Rekrap: Survival

Philza: Survival

Katherine: Survival

Sockshorts: Survival

Beesechurger: Survival

Joel: Spectator

Forge Labs: Survival

Ryguy: Survival

Nihachu: Survival

Badlinu: Survival

Punz: Survival


Woo! 834 Words, but of course, this chapter is for sure a little unorthodox, however, its setting the stage for all the ones that are coming! I probably won't do this format again.

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