Chapter Eight

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It had been a little while since I'd seen Technoblade, and I'd been dying to see him again. With all the drama involving Graystillplays and DreamXD, there were hardly enough hours in the day. My heart fluttered whenever I thought about him, but somehow my mind kept drawing myself towards XD again.

I was busy shearing and breeding my sheep when I got a knock on the door. Ghostbur? Hastily putting all my stuff down, I raced to the barn entrance and greeted him with a smile. Friend, the blue sheep was with him.

"It's so good to see you! What brings you here?" I asked him, and Ghosty glanced down towards the adorable animal by his side, and replied, "Friend is a little lonely. I heard that you had sheep here, so I thought that I'd get Friend a um, girlfriend."

My face beamed, "Sure! No need to pay either," I mentioned, "And of course I will help on his love-seeking journey!" I giggled, "It just so happens that I have a lovely female up for adoption. Perhaps we can see if they will bond?" Me and Ghostbur had become really close friends in such a short time, there had definitely been a really friendly relationship between us in our past lives.

"Absolutely! Sounds wonderful," His frisky monotone voice bubbled with excitement, "Come along Friend! We shall find you a lover."

A pretty white sheep named Dolly was in the fifth stall to the right, and the blue sheep bounded over to her and pressed his face up to the door. Instantly they began to nuzzle each other, and it appeared to be love at first sight. My heart soared, and Ghosty's seemed to as well.

"They really are getting along!" I exclaimed, "Her name is Dolly. You should totally take them home together!" I pressed my hands up to my heart, "It's so adorable, I can't even!"

"Yeah..." My bestie said, "It's just a little hard seeing him grow up, y'know? Just yesterday I-" He paused, "Come to think of it, I can't remember where I found him. It was in the beforelife... and well, I have no idea."

"Memories are really hard to come by," I assured him, "Welp, I suppose I should get back to my farming now. Crops won't plant themselves!"

"See you around!" Ghostbur gave me a cute little wave as he carefully tied Dolly and Friend to leads. It was a dangerous path to get back to his home, so he would have to put them on ropes; sad as that was, and even a little stressful for the poor animals. He made sure to do it as nicely as possible, though.


Quick Recap of Who is Dead and in the "Database" (Honestly mostly for myself to keep track lol, and to give a tiny spoiler of the next chapters to come, btw it might not entirely line up to the last book because Dsmp lore changed slightly, and again this sequel doesn't require you to read the first one, although they correlate):

Ghostbur was left behind on the Dream Smp when they were forced to delete it. He is currently in this book and recently found Y/n. They were good friends because they were both a part of L'manburg.

Friend got slain by Wilbur, went to Limbo, and thus is with Ghosty now in the Database.

Jschlatt hasn't come into this book yet, but he died with Ghostbur since they were left behind in limbo,

Ranboo also hasn't joined this book yet, and his lore in the previous book was that he was still alive, since the Dsmp hadn't had him die yet. So the tiny update is that Ranboo did die with Ghostbur and Jschlatt on the Dream Smp.

Mexican Dream probably won't be in this book, but yeah he died with everyone else.

Technoblade didn't go into limbo, so he was never left behind when the Dream Smp crashed. Instead, the dangerous band of people called "Server Raiders" wanted his Skyblock title, and Graystillplays, the leader, hacked into his code and killed him.

Dream died on Forever Smp, the server Y/n and DreamXD founded together. He was also taken out by Graystillplays.

Graystillplays, Y/n, and DreamXD all died at the same time (Gray slightly first.) Y/n and DreamXD forced Gray to stay on Forever Smp and didn't evacuate in time, so they all got sent to the Database of deleted Minecraft Accounts together.

Somebody commented on this question, so I hope it clarifies!


It was a bit sad to see the trio go, especially since I'd raised Dolly from birth. Her parents, Cloud and Chex let out a pitiful "Baaaah!" And I vowed that someday I would let them all visit each other. Then it was time for sheep count!

Cloud and Chex were the original parents, and they gave birth to four children. The first was Maple, then Dolly, an unnamed male was next, and then the most recent edition, who was still a baby, was a girl who was also unnamed. Maple had recently given birth to her first lamb (The father was a wandering sheep that got into the pasture), and the baby's name was Barry. So all in all, when Dolly moved out, I had six sheep.

I felt that I'd finally settled into my new home. Seeing Friend and Dolly fall in love though, I couldn't help but yearn for that myself...


906 Words! I hope you've enjoyed this longer chapter! I've finally come back from my Fall trip to Washington DC with my school! It was a lot of fun, but I really missed posting for you guys! This chapter was more of a recap of whats been going on so far and a refresher for myself and this book. Soon I will make a more exciting chapter! Catch you all in the next one! <3

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now