Chapter Forty

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Drista Pov (Teaser of Next Book)

I watched as my brother enjoyed himself and talked to Y/n. If I didn't know better, they might as well have been a couple, the two. I was going to start my streaming career soon, but I didn't have their influencer personalities. I mean, why did I think I would be a good content creator? What about me was unique?

My homework was giving me a headache, and I was tired of all the brainstorming. Pushing the schoolwork aside, I took out a plain pencil and paper. The computer was frustrating me, the blue-light not helping my headache. I tapped my pencil against the table, pondering what to even write. It's not like I was a good writer; my failing grade in English proved that. But why not actually try for once? This wasn't an assignment, it was only for fun and as a break.

Y/n and DreamXD were lost to one's imagination. After they were, well, permanently dead they ceased to exist. Of course that's obvious...

Seriously Lotus? (Yes Drista gets a pog irl name) You're better than this! You haven't written in two years, stupid writers block, and yeah you were never good at it anyway... NO. Stop all this! If I can't write my own I might as well complete somebody else's. The romance of my brothers alt and Y/n couldn't just end like this! How could I write this and not seem like everything was dragging on?

I deleted what I typed and started all over again, Y/n scrunched up her face, waiting for the impact of death. All of a sudden, she only blinked and was standing right where she was. Her friends reappeared, and with a smile on her face she realized what happened. The future was continuing, just without her. Her changes now wouldn't affect anything, because they were permanently living in the past. Still though, it felt amazing to be alive. Her teammates seemed to get the idea of what had happened too, cheering and tears of relief flooding the room. This was what, the millionth time? No matter how cringe, voiding death over and over again felt like a victory in itself. Beating the system; or rather, the system doing its own thang and everyone else just following along- lol.

My hand was already cramping from that writing, so I put it all aside. Might as well try to get some actual homework done. Who knows! Maybe my C in English would rise to an A or something.


Only one more chapter left! Aka the epilogue. I wanted it to be a 100 chapters, but its just unrealistic. THIS IS NOT THE END! Drista is now going to be taking charge in the sequel. 

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now