Chapter Seven

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"I would love to stay for a chat!" I said kindly, "What about?"

"Surely you must feel it!" Exclaimed Ghostbur, "We were related in the past! Ever since I saw that Technoblade fellow, I've seen a few people whom I've had a connection with! Dream though- He just gives me nothing but negativity."

"Interesting!" I sat down on a log and he did the same, "Maybe you should talk to Dream! I mean, I get an uneasy feeling about Gray, but we worked out our differences."

"Well," Ghostbur paused, "Gray did kill me after all."

"Yes, but... You respawned!" I tried to make the situation sound a little better, but clearly the kind fellow wasn't entirely convinced. To try and resolve what I'd started, I said, "It's probably best that you two just keep a good distance away from each other."

"Mhm," Ghostbur murmured, "I just want to meet Technoblade, that's all. Dream for me is a no-go at the moment, as I am suffering from a dreadful and probably irrational fear!" He stared at the ground, "I worry a lot."

"Tell you what my new friend," I gave him a gentle hug, and he eased up a lot, "Why don't you visit Dream first, then judge him later? Who knows! He might surprise you," I then paused and quickly added, "If you like, I can go with you."

"No no," Ghosty insisted, "This is something that I must do alone."

"Very well then!" I got up from my seat on the dark oak log and gave a little curtsy for fun, "I shall leave now. Let me know if you need any help!"

"Will do Y/n! And thanks for everything!" Ghostbur called after me as I went down the basic oak path. Thankfully, the mobs were kept outside of the well-lighted path with a tall fence, but it was still a little unnerving to be practically walking through them. Nightfall had already come, and at this point I just wished to go home. Creepers were mere feet away, and one nearly went off, till I went into a run. I figured that the path probably wouldn't blow up, but simple instinct kicked in.

...Timeskip One Hour

Exhausted from that incredible amount of walking, I collapsed onto the bed and was ready to hit the hay. That is, until a blinding light shone right into my face.

Startled and confused, I jumped up and fell directly onto DreamXD. In a flurry of arms, legs, and shouting we landed on the hard floor in a heap. The lantern was now flickering, and in the dim light we sort of just stared at each other; then burst into laughter at the awkward situation, and to relieve a little tension.

"What on earth are you doing here!" I playfully gave him a weak punch to the shoulder, "Its the middle of the night!"

"I came to pick up the new lamb and noticed you weren't home. I got worried, thats all."

"So you decided to come into my house-?!?" I tried to understand his reasoning, but XD just shrugged. To come up with another reply, I responded, "Oh... Just, never mind!"

"See you in the morning my..." DreamXD paused as he tried to come up with a nickname for me, "My Aimee." (This is from book one, basically its latin/france or something I don't remember and means princess)

"Wait!" I grabbed his arm, "What does that mean?"

"I- I'm not sure, sometimes things just pop into my head without meaning, I'm sorry," My friend brushed my hand off his arm and left the house, what was all that about?


606 Words! I hope you've enjoyed this! Sadly I might not be able to post for a week, as I'm going on a field trip with my school for fall break. <3 You guys!

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now