Chapter Thirty Two

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Graystillplays Pov

I woke up from my casual nap. I was in my own hardcore world, and was trying to make a more peaceful life for myself. The days of fighting, griefing, and hacking servers were now over. I had spent many years in the Database, and it had awoken my ways to becoming a better person.

Still though, from time to time I felt the urge to go back. Go back to the beautiful flames and screaming innocent citizens. It made me feel powerful in a way, and my insecurities wouldn't get the best of me. I always tried to unleash that anger by burning down yet another forest in my world, but it just didn't feel the same anymore. Where was the excitement? That's why some months ago I'd taken a visit to Risk Smp and did a little bit of hacky-hacky stuff. It was fun, and a real adrenaline rush, but still, it was boring, and couldn't satiate my desire to destroy.

There were times like this I felt I didn't deserve to exist. If ym purpose of creation was only to ruin, what gain would society get from me? I'd never asked myself questions like this before, but I had gained enough control over my mind at this point where I could.

Today I was up for an adventure with other people. It was taking forever to gather any resources at my own home, and I wasn't much of a builder. The world was pretty much in ruins, and I had spent thousands of hardcore days here. It was time to leave my mark on this place, and move on. But where to? Last I'd heard Risk Smp was over, and there wouldn't be a Season Two anytime soon. Y/n was such an interesting character, it was a shame I couldn't spend more time with her, she made life quite interesting. Then again, DreamXD had made it very clear I should keep my distance away from his wife.

I didn't particularly know anybody else. All of this time I'd spent with the Server Raiders, however we'd now disbanded. Many had permanently been deleted and sent to the Database, and I was hard-pressed to believe that Mojang would let a ton of hackers and, well, server-raiders go lose and create mayhem. They'd released me though, so who was I to predict such a thing?

I left my server on day seven thousand ninety one, and made my way to the admin central station. This was the place, also known as "Homescreen" to find your way to servers all across the universe. It was always bustling with commotion and new things were happening. What new things might I discover today?

Drista Pov

Bored out of my skull, I left Origin Smp and decided to check out Hypixel for some mini-games. It reminded me of Technoblade, since I hadn't talked to him in a long time. He was a funny soul, but he was busy doing something with Philza.

While I was entering the server-code, I noticed a peculiar fellow wandering around mindlessly and confused. It had been a long time since I'd done a good deed, so I walked over to him.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked him. His name tag said "Graystillslays." The fellow had beady-red eyes and a yellow crown. That's when I recognized him! It was Graystillplays, or just Gray. DreamXD had long since forgiven him for what he'd done, but it was so funny that I actually met him in the flesh!

"Drista!" He smiled, "Long time no see! What have you and your older brother been up to?"

"Nothing in particular," I laughed, "I almost didn't recognize you! I'm assuming you're a bit lost, so how about you join me on Hypixel? We can do some bedwars or something. It could be fun if you're up for it."

"That sounds as good as cocaine!" The two of us went onto bedwars, and played for many days straight. He wasn't very good at Minecraft without all his hacking. But he got up to speed faster than you would assume. Maybe this was the blossoming of a new friendship of sorts.


712 Words! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS OH MY GOSH! The plans for this book have gone a little off the rails DreamXD x Y/n wise, since they're already married. I feel like this book started off strong and its going a bit downhill now. I'm trying to mix things up, but I need to know if you guys are interested in more XD fluff.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now