Chapter Six

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"You're serious?" I was completely in disbelief, "This Ghostbur fellow just walked up to you? Why did you take him out with an axe?!?" My voice was struggling to talk, as it had been hours just to find out this much information through Grays sobbing.

"Please, I just need help!" He responded, almost too exhausted from stress to even open his eyes.

"Ok," I said calmly, "Let's go to his house and first start off by apologizing to him. If he's nice, perhaps he will forgive you; but we need to stop you from doing this again. But I mean, what happens if DreamXD finds out? Or Technoblade? They're already untrustworthy of you!"

"Can we just figure that out later?" Gray suddenly snapped, "I just want to get this over with and go back to sleep. Pretend it was all a dream," He laughed a little, "Haha, Dream. Whatever happened to that guy?"

"He made some house elsewhere," I replied, exasperated with all of his stalling and almost non-stop questions. To be honest, I didn't even feel safe around him, especially alone. Luckily, he appeared to be unarmed, but it wasn't all that much of a comfort.

The two of us left my cottage and went to Database Central. As we passed by thousands of other dead players, I could tell Gray was tense; like he almost wanted to reach out and grab them. My heart was pounding now, what if he took one of the weapons from a stall here?

Nonetheless, that didn't happen and we reached the teleportation area. A huge stack of books were next to a nether portal, as well as a bunch of pens. I picked up a pen and empty book, writing the name "Ghostbur" on the first page before throwing it into the portal. The once purple-colored nether portal shimmered and waved, strange sounds coming out of it. It then became a bright blue color, and we hopped through. The town portal was great for finding people if you didn't know where they lived, just in the case me and Graystillslays were having.

We landed in a grassy meadow in front of a nice cobblestone tiny home. A tiny pasture was outside of it, and a blue sheep with the name, "Friend," was grazing there. A pale looking person was tending to some flowers near the sheep corral, and sure enough his name was Ghostbur. For some reason, I felt a strange connection to him, and my first thought was, "Did I know him when I was alive? Did fate bring us back together? If so, maybe that's why Gray wanted to kill him." (Y/n and Ghostbur were well-acquainted before he died in the Dsmp, and when the Dream Smp got deleted so did limbo. Gray didn't know him, however, and just always has the urge to kill.)

"Hello!" I greeted him with a gentle wave, but Gray just hung his head down in utter shame. Ghostbur seemed happy as ever though, and bounded over to me.

"Hi! Your..." He paused as he read my username, "Y/n! Pleasure to meet you! I'm Ghostbur, and over there is my best friend, Friend!" He seemed ecstatic about everything, and didn't even really notice Graystillplays, "I notice a connection between us, perhaps fate has brought us together again!" Ghosty turned to Gray, "And I forgive you, since you've reunited me with Y/n. I only came up to you the other day because I saw you with Technoblade, and felt a connection with that fellow, but I suppose I did invade your property."

"Uh, yeah," My friend muttered, "So um, I can go now?"

"Certainly!" Ghosty said, and Gray started following the road again, and Ghostbur turned to me, "But you, Y/n, mind staying for a quick chat?"


631 Words! Again, not bad! Enjoy your early Monday chapter, after Dream's face reveal I felt a little inspired to write. Big shout-out to him and his content, my journey would have been twice as difficult without you, ^w^

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now