Chapter Twenty Four

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Okay ngl I completely forgot DreamXD existed- *Y/N IS A SELF-INDEPENDENT QUEEN!


It was about time to take a little break from Risk Smp. Besides, I had to update some things at Memory Smp regarding the lore of my new Smp, and check in with DreamXD on Origins Smp with Drista and Tommy.

"Goodbye Y/n!" Lizzie waved me goodbye. Over the course of all this, the two of us had actually become really good friends. She had the sweetest and bubbliest personality, along with just a tint of evil. To be honest, she was me, just with the mischief. Maybe I should try something a little chaotic, for fun change? Then again, I didn't want to end up like Graystillslays.

After doing some daily tasks at Memory, I finally arrived at Origins. Minecraft time is of course all messed up, so what had been almost four months at Risk, was only three weeks for DreamXD. I thought it was long enough though, and I really missed him.

"Y/n~!" DreamXD, "My sweet angel- I actually missed you so much!" It took me a little aback when he hugged me, but it felt just like the good old days. Oh to go back in time and chill on the Dream Smp with him...

"It's been so lonely without you!" I admitted, "I think our break should be over now."

"Oh thank god," My husband laughed, "This has been absolute torture. Sorry, about everything! I'm not sure where we went wrong, but let's never let ourselves drift away from each other again!"

"Cheers to that!" I finally pulled away from his hug, "I can't leave Risk Smp though. You can of course join me though!"

"It sounds like fun," He said, "But I don't want to interfere with your life again. Perhaps we should remain a safe distance for a little while longer, and I can pursue some of my hobbies here."

XD's words hurt me, as I thought that everything had already gone back to normal now. Clearly, I'd misjudged the rate of progression by a long-shot. If he needed more time I would be more than happy to comply, it was just... hard though.

"Big man would like to join!" Tommy walked into the room, and it was kind of awkward. To recap (I never mentioned it btw) Drista and Tommy had to break up. (Tommy has a gf now, so I want to line the story up and not make any Mcyt people uncomfy)

It was a decision that had definitely made both happier, and Tommy was finally dating somebody else. Drista still needed a little more of a break, though. While they had remained good friends, it still seemed strange to me that she welcomed him so openly. Perhaps she still had feelings for the child, but to be quite honest, I wished that she would hurry up and get over him. While there was no rush to heal your emotions, it wasn't healthy to be caught up over somebody who had already moved on like he had.

"Yeah!" I insisted, "Risk Smp is going to be over in 15 months," I calculated, completely ignoring Tommy. We didn't need anymore members, and he didn't exactly have a great track record. Looking slightly disappointed, he left the room and I resumed my conversation with DreamXD.

"It won't be that long for me!" XD tried to reason, "But even if it was only a day, I would miss you."

"Awh!" I gave him one last hug, "Welp, I better get going! Don't want them to do the voting without me!" I logged off and headed to Risk Smp, the voting would occur tomorrow...


712 Words! I wanted to take a break from the voting on Risk Smp and re-introduce DreamXD to this book. He hasn't made enough of an appearance these past couple of chapters, and should be represented more. Love y'all! Take care <3

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now