Chapter Thirty Nine

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I couldn't believe my ears, the very person I was supposed to meet, my soulmate, the person I loved so much in my previous life, was just... gone?

"Dream how do you know this?" I said calmly, "How can you confirm something like that?" I was trying to work through the problem one step at a time. My head was pounding at this point, my vision beginning to blur. Why did I care about somebody I'd never even met?"

"My user," Dream replied, "Had me play as DreamXD in this random event. Why would he have me do that if XD's account is still around? I can't know one hundred percent sure, but the odds are that."

"I refuse." I blinked away the tears, "I refuse to believe that. These owners or users or whatever you want to call them are strange beings. They force us into labor, so perhaps they just don't feel like bothering switching between person to person. Maybe the people controlling you and DreamXD are completely different in the first place with similar names! Simply to assume like that... I just can't accept it. I might not have ever met him, but it feels like I've known him forever. I've read the stories about him, the lust my previous successor felt whenever she talked about him. Their times on the Dream Smp, Risk Smp, all of it!"

"Quite the speech," Tommy whispered, and soon I had the crowd of all my friends gathered around me with determined looks on their faces. We were going to find him before the clock ran out. We had to find him before everything was reset in an update again. This had to happen.

None of us were quite sure where to start searching, though. All the servers he'd been on were either deleted, inactive, or he simply wasn't there.

"I'm beginning to believe in Dream, I mean what he said made sense," A few tears fell from my face, "I just thought- I don't know. Maybe if I found him things would all click, maybe I'd remember the past. I know it's silly and it can't happen, but... I sure wish things would go my way for once."

"It's going to be okay," Nikki hugged me, "We've got to find him! Maybe this DreamXD fellows account will reactivate soon, maybe all we have to do is wait."

"I'm tired of waiting," I whispered, "I just.. I want it all over."

Irl Y/n Pov

"Aaaand that's a wrap guys! Thank you so much for watching today's stream, I know things got a little emotional at the end! I'm so glad Wilbur came up with this little plot for us, it really brings out the tears," I laughed, "Anyways, I'll be ending the stream here. Dream has been doing a great job acting? Well I guess you're right, chat!"

I clicked the end stream button and logged off for the night. A message popped up on my phone from Dream, "Hey Y/n! Just wanted to check up on you, how are you doing?" :)

A grin flashed on my face and I quickly typed a reply, "I'm doing great, thanks! I'm so happy with how the Dsmp has launched my career! Any updates on Drista?"

"Not yet, she's still waiting for her PC to come in. I assume she'll begin to stream pretty soon. I'll stream with you tomorrow, and then again on Friday. Let me just check my calendar for Saturday, and I'll let you know," He paused, "Yup I'm available. It's fun to stream with you Y/n! I'm thinking for the next couple streams we do a big event with DreamXD and U/n."

"Sounds good!"


AT THIS POINT IS IT EVEN A DREAMXD X READER?!? Ok no, here is my plan. I'm ending this book in the next few chapters (early I know) and starting the third and final part of this series. Its going to be about Drista and her experience with everything, which I think is definitely going to shake things up. That book will be maybe 15 chapters? After that I can start other books that are definitely more exciting then this, with longer, better chapters.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now