Chapter Ten

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Tears filled my eyes as he instantly began to fade. Why was this happening? He had no say in this! DreamXD didn't even have time to say his goodbyes... and just when I realized that I'd loved him? What to say? Maybe we'll see each other again? It didn't seem appropriate, after all he'd likely not want to die again. (I heard that it was painful)

"Y/n I have to tell you something," He took my hands, but his own were beginning to fade away. Misery darkened my heart now, and I struggled to stay calm. XD took a deep breath and sighed, "Since there's a chance we'll never see each other again, I thought I'd just say... well, I really like you. As in more than friends. In fact Y/n, though out time here together has been short, I think I might actually lo-" His sentence was cut short as he disappeared. DreamXD loved me? And I just stood there looking foolish?!?

A few tears slipped from my eyes now, as I tried not to make too much of a scene. Technoblade and Dream saw me from the other side of the crowd and came to check-up on me, Techno putting a gentle arm around my shoulders. Dream sort of stood awkwardly off to the side, but his support was still there.

"He's really gone," I whispered, "If I don't ever see him again I'll never forgive myself!"

"It's okay Y/n," The Blades normally monotone voice turned sympathetic, "You still have me here, and Dream, and Gray and now Ghostbur! Yes, I've met him and Friend," He squeezed my arm gently, "You'll get to see him again someday."

"How can I be so sure? XD said that he loved me, and I didn't even have time to say it back. What if he hates me now?!? I should have done something, said something!" My body began to shake and tremble.

"I'm sure he understands!" The hybrid paused, "Maybe you can stay with me for the next couple of days. Until you feel better?"

"That actually does sound nice," I murmured, "I would really appreciate that. Thank you Techno."

"Of course," He said politely, pushing back some of his long, pink braided hair. The Blood God then pushed some of my own H/c hair out of my face, and gave me a tight hug, though it was a little bit uncomfortable. (It appeared that he'd never given anybody a hug before.)

...Timeskip Five Days

"Thank you so much for letting me stay with you," I gave Techno a hug, we had gotten better at that. I then continued, "But Gray and Ghostbur probably don't want to take care of my sheep anymore."

"Y/n I've been meaning to ask you something," His normally palish face blushed a little, "Would you like to move in more permanently? I mean-" I saw him swallow, "I don't want to confuse you or anything but. I might like you Y/n. And I'm sorry."

Surprise caused me to hesitate for a second, but my struggling mental health was perplexed with this situation. Unable to respond fully, I stuttered, "sure."

What else was I to say? If I said no when he was trying to be kind and confess his feelings, I might lose him too. I couldn't bare the thought of that, not after everything had been happening recently. My business hadn't been going too well either, so a move-in was likely a good idea. But so soon after losing DreamXD? What if he came back?

"My sheep though-'' I started, but he instantly interrupted me, "Don't worry about them! I have space in my barn, your friends can take one or two of them. Please Y/n!"

Technoblade gave me the saddest look, and I just couldn't say it. Perhaps it was my leftover feelings for DreamXD, or real new-developing ones for him, but I agreed. How bad could this be, anyway? It's not like there was any rush...


663 Words! Aye not bad ig. I wonder whats going to happen with Y/n and Techno...? Also Rip Technoblade of course, and yea I fell a bit bad about using him in this book, bit I feel that his name deserves to be in as many places as possible. The past few months have been hard without him. >-<

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now