Chapter Thirty Eight

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My mind was spinning, had I seriously gotten this far?!? Memory Smp suddenly sent out an alert; they had logged on. I rushed to the spawn area, where Drista and Tommy were looking around confused.

"Follow me!" I instructed, and I led them first to the Dsmp buildings, then Origins history, etc etc. They were awe-sttruck as they flipped through the pages. A god? Disks? It was definitely a lot of information to process. DreamXD? They were both bewildered and reluctant to accept the truth that this could actual;y be real.

Finally, I brought them to the final resting place of all the members. The spot that they had all died, picked off one by one. Out of breath. Drista tearfully picked up her book and began to read, murmuring, "oh my god. oh my god."

"You're not lying," TommyInnit whispered, "We have to tell the rest of them! Tubbo, Philza, everyone that we know! We need to save ourselves somehow, I don't wanna die!"

"We simply don't have enough information," I said sadly, "And they told us not to pursue. I just need to find my husband and see if we can reconnect. We ought to live our lives in peace! Besides, what, intuitively, could we possibly do about a situation like this?"

"Maybe we can go back to a couple of minecraft versions! Reverse the time and revive them!" Drista reasoned, but after going back and forth a couple times we soon realized that they were truly gone. There would be no going back, especially with people controlling us never allowing it. Even if we were, to somehow manage to make it there, the people were gone and the other thing we'd find would be a rendered version of Minecraft. With heavy hearts, we decided that the only course of action would be to show the rest of the people and move on with the short lives we now had.

Over the course of several days we found Tubbo, Philza, and basically everyone on Origins. Most had already adjusted to the shocking truth, and we tried to ease them into the situation. On my own I ended up finding Purpled, who surprisingly took the news with a grain of salt.

Things didn't seem as amazing as the first day anymore. The dark truth of reality reminded me of how I wasn't capable of achieving on my own, and that my own life wasn't truly mine. I watched as people on Hypixel were happy-go-lucky, trapped inside the bubble word of unrealization. They had no idea about everything occurring, and were perfectly okay with that. I suddenly felt that I wanted to feel okay too. Maybe there would be some way for me to forget everything all over again, some kind of update. What mattered most to be right now though, was finding DreamXD. If we were actually meant for each other, soulmates, then he was definitely somebody worth searching for.

I was busy on Origins, fooling around and trying to build something nice, when all of a sudden I saw somebody that almost made my heart stop. Dream. Of course he was missing the XD, but maybe they were connected in some way! I rushed to talk to him, but he beat me to it.

"Y/n I know everything and I need to tell you something," The newcomers voice was grave, "DreamXD isn't here. His account... it was never re-created."


571 Words oh my gosh. The next chapter is going to be of normal length or extra-long, as I've decided not to continue my side novel. Its posted in my rough drafts, and likely won't be finished ever. Its not that I lost interest, it just wasn't that great of an idea to begin with. *Sigh.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now