Chapter Three

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Techno went on a trip to visit Dream, who lived further away, and would be gone for several days. My house was almost finished, and I was wrapping up some last-minute details before moving in.

I lit a lantern and placed it on top of the table. My house had a serene vibe, and a calming effect to it. There were several rooms in my house. Firstly, you would walk into a massive living room area, with tons of storage inset into the walls. Then, you would go underneath an archway to the kitchen/dining area, with a cute little six-chair table in the center. Furnaces, Blast Furnaces, and even two Smokers were in the dining room, as well as barrels to store extra food. On the other side of the living room was a library area, complete with a lectern and enchanting table. The final side of the living room had winding stairs leading up to the second floor. The first room was Lacey's room, an adorable dog bed and toys lying all about the floor. The next room was mine, a lovely bed with floral sheets was in the middle, a closet in one of the walls. Two more spaces were guest rooms, and the attic had nothing in it at the moment. Outside there was a barn, which would someday contain horses, sheep, pigs, cows, and maybe a few barn cats. A pasture with green grass and a singular massive oak tree would be their grazing area. As for the rest of the yard, a small pond was near my house, some tropical fish and frogs already inhabiting it. A sitting area was around the pond, and some oak trees outlined the perimeter. A white picket fence outlined the yard, and met the oak fence that would contain the animals.

A quick knock on the door of my house alerted me, and I rushed to check it out. DreamXD was at the door with two leads, a pair of fluffy white sheep trailing behind him.

"XD!" I said happily, "Please, come in!"

"No no," He said simply, "The sheep can't go in your house! How about I just bring them out back?" This kind gesture made my heart skip a beat, but didn't I like Techno? Everything was confusing already, so I shook it off and brought him to the barn. A large stall was already there, and the two of us herded the sheep inside.

"Thanks so much for the pair!" I giggled, "How are things?"

"Well... The house isn't exactly going to plan," DreamXD sighed, "I'm just not quite sure how to build it. Currently, I'm staying with a couple of randos I met at the town square."

"I'm so sorry," I took his hands, and our eyes connected. For a moment, I wondered if we could try to build a relationship again. But heartbreak was nearly certain, and clearly time was key. Slow burner Y/n, slow burn things.

My friend seemed to get the same idea too, because he quickly put his hands into his hoodie pockets and took his gaze to the barn ceiling. XD swallowed, and broke the tension by saying, "I should probably go. We should talk sometime, it's good to see you Y/n."

I gave him a tiny smile to let him know we were okay, and glanced at the door, urging him to leave. DreamXD took the queue and left, looking back a few times as he did so. The sheep let out a sad "baah" seeing their owner leave, and I gave them both a small piece of carrot.

"You can be named Cloud," I whispered to the first sheep, for she had a pure-white coat. Her eyes were a bright blue, and the way she walked made Cloud look as if she was floating.

"And you can be named Chex," I spoke softly to the young ram, "As its just the first thing that came to mind and a good name."

Obviously neither understood, but it made me feel just a little bit better being alone.


678 Words! Not bad at all honestly, since this is a two-day streak of uploading now. AND 58 READS?!? HOLY COW THAT'S A LOT! Tysm for all the support, I'm SO glad that your reading my book! Crazy! <3 you, remember to stay hydrated! Share the book with a friend for EVEN MORE reads! 

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