Chapter Thirty

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With so few people left, Beeserchurger was going to be next. He was simple, lost, and would in no way win without immunity. Sockshorts dying left him defenseless and vulnerable. We began to think about how we'd get everyone else to also vote against him, when it occurred to us. Dangthatsalongname was still in this game-! He had always been quite personable and friendly to the others, so if he made it to the end game we were absolutely screwed! With three of us together, we combined all out votes and went to the voting session.

Easy enough, Scott was gone. He'd gotten three votes, I got one vote, and DreamXD got one vote. Everyone else was uncoordinated, and things got even easier. It appeared that one of the three of us would be winning this!

Y/n: Survival

Lizzie: Survival

Camman: Spectator

SomeMinecrafter: Spectator

Lauren: Spectator

Wilbur: Spectator

Rekrap: Spectator

Philza: Spectator

Katherine: Spectator

Sockshorts: Spectator

Beesechurger: Survival

Joel: Spectator

Forge Labs: Survival

Ryguyrocky: Spectator

Nihachu: Spectator

Badlinu: Spectator

Punz: Survival -1 Immunity

Scott: Spectator

DreamXD: Survival

It was the three of us against Lizzie, Beesechurger, and Punz. This odd group would never work together, and it was going to be impossible for the tables to turn onto our side! Risk Smp was about meeting new people, but me and DreamXD as a pair were completely unstoppable. My only worry was about totems of undying giving them immunity, but Punz wouldn't give him away, right? He thought we would go after him, so he'd used one. There were still a few rounds left, and he only had one shot left! The next round was going to be a double-out, which I always enjoyed. It sped up the game and increased tensions. This would also be held in only a week, since the spectators were likely getting bored of watching for so many months.

Everyone like normal casted their votes, this time to Beesechurger. DreamXD and Forge Labs were positive that they were going to win, and then it happened. The disaster, the flaw in the plan. Punz once again used immunity on himself, and then... and then Beesechurger used it on himself.

And the worst part? Lizzie, Beese, and Punz did team up. The trio had a complete failsafe plan, even better than our own. For some reason instead of me, they elected Forge Labs out. He had been my friend for so many months now, it really hurt that he was gone. There was still a round left too, and with just me and XD we wouldn't have any power to do anything.

DreamXD is out.

Panic rose in me, this couldn't be happening! No way it was me against Lizzie, Beese, AND Punz. My only shot now was to earn TWO immunities. The task seemed impossible so late in the game, but alas the odds were completely stacked against me. I flew four million blocks out, using every rocket I possessed, finding the very last woodland mansion that would ever be found on Risk Smp.

The massive structure loomed over me, and I raided it. My luck was insane, and I actually had THREE. To make sure that nobody else would be able to take the third one, I destroyed it in a lava pool on the way home. The three would now have to battle each other, which would surely be an interesting turn of events.

When the voting session finally came around, Lizzie and Beese ended up voting out Punz. Apparently he had been "selfish" and did not share his immunities. I started counting up the enemies I'd made over this journey though, and the final session wasn't looking too good. However, against LDShadowLady it would be fairly even. Many people were against her and the scams she'd pulled. Lauren would likely favor her though... And what about Beesechurger? No... There was no way that he'd ever win. All he had was Sockshorts. Between the remaining people, Lizzie, myself, and Beesechurger_73 I would be the one to win. Hopefully.

Y/n: Survival

Lizzie: Survival

Camman: Spectator

SomeMinecrafter: Spectator

Lauren: Spectator

Wilbur: Spectator

Rekrap: Spectator

Philza: Spectator

Katherine: Spectator

Sockshorts: Spectator

Beesechurger: Survival

Joel: Spectator

Forge Labs: Spectator

Ryguyrocky: Spectator

Nihachu: Spectator

Badlinu: Spectator

Punz: Spectator

Scott: Spectator

DreamXD: Spectator


710 Words! I've been dragging this Risk Smp nonsense out for ten chapters, and this book is literally the most boring thing on this planet. WELL THAT'S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE! I am coming up with a really good idea. Let Chapter 31 be the very last chapter of this nonsense. 

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